The most favorable climate for the skin - wet. After all, by excessively dry air often suffer Russian women, both in winter and in summer. Skin cells lose precious moisture under the influence of dry air, central heating or hot summer wind, and the result is premature aging and loss of elasticity. The fact that the saturation moisture plays an important role in the proper functioning of cells. If the moisture in it enough, all metabolic processes are rapidly and the cells have the necessary capacity. But when there is insufficient moisture cell volume decreases, it seems to be skukozhivaetsya inside, becoming flabby and weak. Skin cells which suffer from lack of moisture, looks older, it is easier to form wrinkles and can begin the process of peeling. That is why, if you are unlucky to be born in Albion, or the tropical jungles of the Amazon, make sure that the skin gets enough moisture creams and cosmetics.
However, a warm and dry climate can be useful in the fight against chronic inflammations and ulcers on the skin. The fact that the prairie regions of the air is very clean, and the moisture contained therein is small. In this climate, sunlight from the surface of the skin evaporates excessive moisture, thereby drying inflamed areas. For oily skin, this climate is ideal - the pores are not clogged and not clogged and pimples and acne under the influence of dry, clean air faster heal.
Very good for the skin maritime climate. The air here has a huge number of ions, it enriches the deep layers of important micronutrients and promotes nutrition and hydration. In addition, maritime climate has a moderate humidity, which is favorable for all types of skin and helps maintain its ideal moisture balance.
Now you can arrange your skin treatment room, without leaving home. In order to feel like a real subjugator tropics and pamper your face and body with a saturated moist air is enough to get a humidifier and regularly use it. Baths with sea salt for hands, nails, feet or real salt baths for the whole body - one of the oldest ways to restore health and natural mineral balance of your skin. And in order to feel on top of the mountains and breathe this rarefied air for medical purposes, is now enough to enroll in several special sessions in the beauty salon. Remember that your skin needs care and moisturizing, pamper it periodically and it will answer you health and youth.