Things You Can Tell Just by Looking at Her: ways to remove body hair

Things You Can Tell Just by Looking at Her: ways to remove body hair
 According to modern canons of beauty, lush hair can be only on the head. Face and body - this is not the place for vegetation. Therefore, modern women are ruthless struggle with it and use all available means to temporarily or permanently get rid of body hair. How to do it and what are the advantages and disadvantages of various methods?

This is the most affordable method of removing body hair. Advantages of this method - cheap, quick. Disadvantages - a few hours later the hair begins to grow, and this process is accelerated.


Currently, devices for hair removal so much that it is impossible to count. They all work on the same principle. Directing depilatory against the hair growth, a woman gets a perfectly smooth, slightly reddened skin. Advantages - redness goes fast enough, the skin remains smooth for 3-4 weeks.

Wax strips and warm wax

Get rid of body hair using wax is simple enough. The procedure can be done in a salon or at home. Advantages - after wax depilation hair grows slowly. Disadvantages - quite painful sensations.

Depilating cream

Use the cream for 5-7 minutes to get rid of unwanted vegetation. Thioglycolic potassium salt or sodium contributes to the rapid destruction of the hair. And not only removes the hair surface, but also part of the rod. Disadvantages - hair re-grow quickly and can change the direction of growth, cause pseudofolliculitis.


Carried in the cabin using a special device. After several treatments hair cease to grow. The disadvantage of this method lies in the fact that you would pay for some procedures, spend a considerable amount of his time. Other than that, this method of removing body hair quite reliable and efficient.

Laser hair removal

Held in the salon environment. With this method it is possible to get rid of hair all over the body, including - in the underarms, bikini, on the chest. This is one of the most popular treatments for hair removal on all body.


Held device with a metered-dose pulses of electric current. This procedure, which can be used to get rid of unwanted vegetation, and not several times and one after.

Tags: hair, fashion, mystery, body hair removal, removal, hair removal