Before you plan a visit to the solarium, you need to decide how well your skin is able to withstand ultraviolet. There are quite a simple rule: the lighter natural tone of your skin and hair, the less you have to be careful and solarium. However, that does not burn, does not make painful burns, peeling, or, worse, a rash, the first few visits should not exceed more than five to seven minutes - and this rule applies even to burning brunettes! The fact that the skin, in order to elicit protective UV material, it is necessary to get used to this kind of radiation - or in the early stages tan simply does not manifest itself, but the burn can deliver a lot of trouble.
Be sure to use special means for solarium. Why does not quite fit the usual means for protection against natural sun? The fact that tanning lamps emit only alpha and beta rays, while the Sun "uses" the whole spectrum - this case is wiser to use funds from the targeted protection only on alpha and beta rays.
You can help your skin to withstand radiation and "inside" actively eating a powerful antioxidant - vitamin E. It is found in special capsules, as well as many fruits and vegetables. For example, a full glass of carrot juice will provide you with this vitamin, and also do a little darker tan and brighter. Good chocolate and natural cocoa efforts to protect your skin!
Before visiting the solarium, about half an hour, you should take a shower and apply a protective agent. Wear light cotton clothing and on which no trace - and go to the solarium. It is important to pay attention to hygiene tanning booths - and if it is not treated with the master, be sure to wipe it with disinfectant and wipe. This will protect you from unexpected and unpleasant skin diseases, which are so often passed through a common solarium. Of course, after the procedure should also take a warm shower without soap and apply a moisturizer. Speaking of moisture - it is necessary to give special preference. Because we all know that the artificial sun is able to age and dry skin, so intense moisture replenishment at this time can be very useful.