A very common mistake many people who want to quickly get a tan, is the rejection of sunscreens. Argued that they seem to inhibit sunburn or even block it, but in fact a sunscreen with an appropriate protection factor - this is the first necessity on the way to the counter and a nice tan. Abandoning them, you can earn and burn, as a consequence, ugly peeling skin and white spots. So choose low-fat milk or cream with SPF-factor of at least 15! Especially "at first" and if your skin - pale by nature and is not prepared to actively tan.
By the way, about the preparation for tanning. Going to tropical countries, it makes sense to pre-several times a solarium. However, on a very short time - you have just a few sessions lasting 3-5 minutes. During this time, your skin gets used to the effects of ultraviolet radiation, and longer sunbathing will not be a shock for her.
Also mistake is the desire to be on the beach in the most dangerous time - around 11-12 am to 04.03 pm. At this time, the alpha and beta rays of the sun are particularly aggressive and can even provoke terrible skin diseases - such as carcinoma. By the way, it is important to listen to your body and look for any skin changes during the holidays. For example, if you have noticed an increase in the number of moles, time to think about a more serious skin protection and significant reduction in time spent in the sun.
Every way to help your skin "from within" - for example, a glass of fresh carrot juice just before the departure of the beach, not only to reduce the production of free radicals, but also will give a rich, warm tan color. Cup of cocoa or a slice of good chocolate 40 minutes before sun bath will also help protect the skin against the harmful effects of the sun.