The appearance of dark circles
Dark circles under the eyes can be caused by disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, may be quality, certain hereditary or occur due to improper, harmful lifestyle. Every reason implies a distinctive way of dealing with the blue of the lower eyelid.
Particularly frequent dark circles under the eyes in people exposed to stress, insomnia, leading inactive life, spend a lot of time at the computer and prefer unhealthy food. The predominance of eating sweets, insufficient intake of fluid per day, bad habits (smoking and passion for alcohol) - a sure harbinger of the emergence of "gloomy neighbors" on the face.
Any change in appearance is also reflected on his face. Dramatic weight loss or a forced change of jet lag and exhaustion will cause dulling skin around the eyes.
But also darkening around the eyes (often in conjunction with a clear manifestation of spider veins and the formation of swollen eyelids) are signs of internal disorders of the body, and not the result of environmental influences. Thickening of the blood, disorders of the heart, circulatory system and deterioration of slagging of the body, lack of vitamin C - this signals the body, settling bruising under the eyes.
The most "complicated" causes of fatigue kind of black eye - heredity, when nature has decided that the skin under the eyes is thin, dry and light. In this case, only help cosmetics.
How to deal with the blue
To remove dark circles under the eyes need to systematically and diligently. However, if necessary to quickly reduce the skin darkening can be applied just to warm teabags eyes for 20 minutes. Then grease moisturizing and oxygenated Eye Cream with SPF-filter. By the way, it should be a permanent inhabitant of women's cosmetics.
To improve the blood circulation of the skin on the lower eyelid, gently clean it with ice cubes. It is better if it is frozen green tea, a mixture of water and grapefruit juice or diluted juice of parsley. Importantly, do not get scratched accidentally and not to stay in one place while wiping more than 5 seconds.
Overall skin tone will improve washing herbal decoctions ostuzhennoy. Fit chamomile, sage, calendula and cornflowers.
Excellent remedy against darkening of the eyelid skin, regularly used at home, are vegetable masks. The simplest: the grated raw potatoes (1 teaspoon) and the same amount of milk are mixed and applied to the problem area for 20 minutes, then wash off with warm water.
Also very effectively applied to the lower eyelid paste of cucumber with a few drops of lemon juice. For holders too light and thin skin is perfect mask of tomato puree and fat cottage cheese. Impose any mask you need at least 15 minutes, gently rinse with warm water and repeat no more than 3 times a week.
Special funds
To achieve maximum effect, you can use the "heavy artillery", ie special cosmetics to combat with bruises, both at home and in beauty salons. Great variety of bleaching gels and creams earn the love of women seeking the ideal skin color. Mask containing hyaluronic acid, a number of vitamins (A, D, C) and collagen, can be found on the shelves and with the help of a specialist to find suitable.
For cosmetic rapid means of temporarily reducing bruising include serum Lift Serum and Cream Biofirm Lift. Of course, there are similar "fast" means and from other manufacturers.
Among other things, we should not forget that the cream is not suitable for the skin around the eyes. Eye tools are used lighter texture. In no case can not apply the cream on the fat feed the problem area for the night. So stops skin breath, retains moisture, put additional pressure on the blood vessels. The cream is best used as a base for make-up, and procedures for the evening should resort to roller gels, an additional effect of which is achieved by light massage.
The scenery in the studio
Do not get rid of, but to hide dark circles under the eyes will help cosmetics. Concealers are specifically designed for "lightening" of the lower eyelid. Do not confuse them with the correctors that dot mask pimples, inflammation and other skin defects of the face. Concealers also have more fluid, light texture, their shades (from pinkish to yellowish) are designed to hide the blue. In addition, they contain stimulants, actively struggling with dark circles. Apply concealer need to pat, to drive the movements, and can be mounted on top and level with the color tone of the skin with loose powder.
Useful Tips
To speed up the process of getting rid of a black eye, need to remember to have a healthy sleep (at least 8-9 hours a day), the regular consumption of fresh fruits and berries on a walk in the fresh air.
If all methods seem prohibitive, you can resort to the help of beauticians and subject themselves to the procedure of transplantation of fat under the skin of the eyelid, but a crucial way to save about a year and then require repetition. Therefore, much nicer to make your life as healthy as possible.