Physical activities are beneficial to the overall body, stimulate blood circulation and improve metabolism in the body. Any load on the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks and thighs will be a good addition to the anti-cellulite program. Very effective to the next exercise - standing on the floor, legs slightly wider "shoulder width" heels a little "detached" from the floor. Need the most severely strain the muscles of the buttocks, abdomen and thighs and holding the posture, slowly squat, spreading his knees apart (heel does not touch the floor). For balance, it is desirable to adhere slightly to the wall or the back of a chair. Fulfilling these 15-20 squats a day, you can achieve amazing results in 2 weeks.
Anti-cellulite massage is an effective tool in the fight against orange peel, and has a remarkable tonic effect, activating subcutaneous metabolism. During the procedure, fat cells "broken" and eliminated from the body of liquid. During the massage can be painful, specific to running zones (inner thighs, knees and lumbar region area). Massage should start with the areas closest to the lymph nodes (groin and behind the knees). Thus, activates the lymphatic system and accelerates the process of lipolysis. This massage can do yourself at home, using cream instead of honey, and as an aid - banks. Canned or vacuum massage is very effective in the fight against "orange peel".
Anti-cellulite creams and oils are the perfect complement to massage and have a good cosmetic effect. In the early stages of cellulite regular use of this cream or oil helps prevent the accumulation of fat capsule and a beneficial effect on the overall condition of the skin.