Suitable for oily skin protein, protein-camphor, protein-lemon, yeast, dairy, fruit and vegetable masks. Remarkable effect can be obtained from the mask with lemon juice, which has a tightening and whitening effect. Kefir mask soften the skin and nourish it.
Make a yeast mask. Mix 10 g of yeast with yogurt. Add to this mix a teaspoon of berry juice. The resulting mask apply on face and minutes after 15-20 minutes wipe in a circular motion. Wash your face with warm, and then rinse with cold water.
Try a protein mask. Whisk the egg white until a thick foam. Mix it with a small amount of lemon juice. To this mixture was put oatmeal one tablespoon. Mix well. Apply a thick layer on the skin and wash with water after 15 minutes.
Can cook yolk mask. To do this, take 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and mix with egg yolk. Add and mix with a glass of milk. Take two lemons, cut them with zest and brew a cup of boiling water. This mixture infuse for 3 hours, then strain. In the resulting solution, place a tablespoon of honey and the juice of 2 lemons. This mixture was mixed with yolk and milk mixture. Pour a tablespoon of camphor oil. The resulting mixture, strain, pour the boiled water in quantities of 1, 5 cup and pour into a bottle. Apply to cleansed face and hold 15 - 20 minutes.
Try using dairy cucumber mask. Mix 1/4 cup of cucumber juice with milk in the same amount. A cotton or gauze soak in this solution and apply to the skin for 15 minutes. Top cover with a damp towel.
Fruit and vegetable masks. Protein whisk. In this mass, add a drop of juice of vegetables, fruit or berries teaspoon. Apply on face and then rinse.
Prepare dill mask. Put a cup of dill in the amount of 2 tablespoons, pour a glass of water and boil. Broth strain. Mix a tablespoon of broth obtained from protein and whisk well. Mask, apply 3-4 layers. Wait until it dries, and then wash with hot water.