It has long been observed that the mass of depression, depression, depression often occur in the fall and is associated primarily with a sharp decrease in daylight hours. Waking up in the twilight, a person feels reluctance to get out of a warm bed and get to work. Sitting in a dark office in the afternoon, a person experiences extreme fatigue, reduced performance, mood drops.
It turns out that the lack of sunlight is reflected not only in the mood, but also the health and appearance. The human body is exposed to sunlight produces vitamin D. Vitamin This regulates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, protects the organism from infections, skin and eye diseases. It turns out that the condition of skin, teeth, hair, nails depends on the content of vitamin D in the body. It is this vitamin gives us pure and white skin, long lasting nails, whiter smile, shiny long hair. It is impossible to be beautiful, if the body is deficient of vitamin D. How to solve this problem?
The best way - to spend enough time outdoors in the daytime. Even in a gloomy winter day the sun emits ultraviolet rays. The two-hour walk will be enough to make the skin formed the necessary amount of vitamin D. Optionally be under the direct rays of the sun, even in the shade enough UV rays reflect off after colliding objects and distributed throughout the space.
If you can not devote much time to walks or live in an area with very short daylight hours, you just need to take vitamin D added. Vitamin complexes designed pharmacists, but can receive and pure vitamin in an aqueous solution. Best absorbed aqueous solution of vitamin D3.
Also, the light in our body produce serotonin - a hormone good mood. In the dark melanin is produced - hormone, calming the body and promotes sleep. In contrast to vitamin D, which can be put into the body from the outside, with hormones is more complicated. Created hormonal systems, but they may have a lot of side effects. Better natural sunlight this problem will not solve anything.
So sunlight is very important for humans. Taking a walk in the sun, you will not only lift your spirits, but also become healthier and more beautiful. Next, for a walk!