More effective way - laser resurfacing. In this case, the removal of stretch marks is rapid, and most importantly, it is painless and safe. Eliminating follows: skin exposure to laser beam which destroys the scar tissue and stimulates its new location, now conventional dermal tissue. The procedure is almost no contraindications, can be performed on all parts of the body, and including a breast.
The sooner you start to treat stretch marks after they appear, the less the procedures required to complete elimination. For example, if a woman asked the beautician immediately after breastfeeding, she will need 4-5 treatments, and if stretch marks for many years, the procedures will require a lot more. But, at the end of the course you will not only get rid of stretch marks, but also significantly improve the overall condition of your skin. It will become more elastic, its structure will be fully restored.
To consolidate the effect after a course of laser correction procedures extensions, beauticians advise to undergo mesotherapy. Sometimes she is appointed as an auxiliary procedure, and sometimes without it simply can not do. It all depends on the individual properties of your skin and stretch marks age.
When mesotherapy sessions were subcutaneously injected substances that actively stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, as well as restore the structural proteins of the skin. Typically used formulations comprising vitamins of the groups A, R, C, E, vegetable extracts, elastin, collagen, oligoelements, hyaluronic acid. These substances are perfectly reconstructing the damaged skin. As adjunctive therapy doctor may prescribe different homeopathic or organic preparations.