It is better to prevent the cause, and the tendency to the appearance of pigmentation is not to be with open back in the sun, especially during its strong activity.
If your body is already dark markings, you can try to get rid of them with the help of folk remedies. For example, a good helping carrot juice mixed with a little lemon juice. Therefore it is necessary to wipe the stain with a solution of at least three times a day.
Can help mask made from the juice of red currant berries and yogurt (sour cream). Mask must crush berries yogurt mix them with the product (1: 1) and applied to the skin. Hold for about ten minutes, then rinse thoroughly with warm water.
Black currant is also used for skin lightening. Need the leaves, which must be brewed in boiling water, and berries from which it is necessary to squeeze the juice. Tablespoon of juice in a glass infusion enough. In the resulting liquid is necessary to wet the cloth napkin and attach to the problem areas on the back. Keep twenty minutes. Good as a mask made from berries and cream. And it is applied in the same way as in the case with red currant. The result was a notable need for three months during the procedure twice a week.
The most famous natural bleaching agent is cucumber. Rub it, add nourishing cream - mask is ready. Keep it should be not less than fifteen minutes, then rinse with water and wipe the skin with a piece of cucumber.
If no remedy does not work, will have to visit a dermatologist.