How to remove dark spots in the home

How to remove dark spots in the home
 If your skin appear dark spots, freckles, do not worry. You can get rid of them and at home. Stains can be triggered by digestive disorders, hormonal changes silt sunlight.
 Remember that it is very important to get rid of the causes of dark spots. If you do not, even after their removal cosmetic techniques spots are likely to appear again. Therefore, the surest step is to visit a dermatologist. Determining the cause of skin discoloration and prompt solution to the problem.

For example, if the spots appear from direct sunlight, you must protect your skin with special sunscreen, shade the face, use glasses. In sunny weather, you need to use a special cosmetics containing UV filters with a protective factor of at least 20. Choose only high-quality cosmetics and the one that is right for your skin type.

Note that pregnancy and lactation cause serious hormonal changes, which sometimes leads to the appearance of unwanted pigmentation. For the prevention and reduction of their manifestations sure to use sunscreen since March.

To remove stains, use arose old folk remedies. Mix a tablespoon of lemon juice with ten spoons of water. Wipe it with a solution of the skin. Good result gives cucumber mask, you need to grate the cucumber, and gruel to put on a few minutes on your skin, wash away all the cool water.

You can wipe the skin with a cotton swab dipped in sour milk, yogurt, hydrogen peroxide, grapefruit juice, sauerkraut juice. All this contributes to the whitening of the skin and consequently reduces pigmentation. Such procedures do better in the evening. After wiping the skin transfer of funds, you need to rinse the skin with water and be sure to apply a nourishing cream.

Pretty effective means - parsley juice. Apply the juice on the skin in its pure form or mixed with lemon juice, honey. Hold a mask on his face 25-30 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

You can use a mask of lemon and protein. Juice of one lemon mixed with egg white, add 1-2 teaspoons of sugar and pour 50 ml. water. Apply to the skin about 20 minutes, then rinse with water. This mask is to be applied in a day, will help to get rid of spots and freckles.

If you have very sensitive skin, then apply these tools only locally, directly on the spot.

Get rid of age spots appearing on the body, it is possible, taking a bath with the infusion of celandine.

Tags: spot, pets, conditions,