If the scars are small and fresh - not more than a year - you can try to make it less noticeable with special ointments. For example, kontratubeksa. Use it only needs according to the instructions and then you will only have a thin, white, almost invisible thread on the site of the scar.
One of the modern procedure to remove the scars - this laser skin resurfacing. How does it work? During the processing of facial laser vaporizes defective cells of the upper layer of the skin - pigmented, old, scarred. As a result of such treatment and cleaning of the skin appears in a huge boost to the restoration and regeneration, increases production of collagen and elastin. The skin is smoothed and scars no trace remains. with noticeable results after the first procedure.
Sometimes to get rid of the scar to apply special adhesive. It is composed of silicon and acts on rumen absorbing manner. One has only to stick it, and damage is gone. However, it is important for small and shallow scars. In addition, they must also be fresh. With this old in such a way it is unlikely you will be able to cope.
In some cases, the area of the scar put gormonosoderzhaschimi injection drugs. They fill a subcutaneous space and, spreading, stretch the skin in the area of the seam. Thus the damaged area becomes smooth and even.
If no one means you do not take, and plastic surgery you can not afford, try to place the scar to make an original tattoo. However, this is only for those who have not scar on his face. Otherwise, you will look at least strange.