How to get rid of pimples on his hands

How to get rid of pimples on his hands
 Pimples appear not only in children. Sometimes the skin on the hands covered with cracks in it is adults who never touch without gloves with sleet, not brush dipped in cold water on the street and then keep them in the wind. Sometimes this problem can provoke a lack of vitamins or improper care for your hands. Anyway, pimples - something unpleasant. Therefore, they must be fought.
 As is well known, it is better to prevent the emergence of a problem than deal with its liquidation. It is therefore necessary to take all measures to prevent the occurrence of pimples. And for this we need to understand that the hand - this is a very vulnerable part of the body. After all, the skin on them is much thinner than the neck and face. Furthermore, there are very few sebaceous glands, thus protection against various unfavorable factors is very weak.

Meanwhile, if on the face and neck, most women care regularly, many people forget about the hands. But it is so important to protect them from harmful influences. So remember a few rules:

- Use hand wash only qualitative soap;
- If you wash dishes or clean up, wear rubber gloves;
- Always thoroughly wipe your hands;
- Do not dry their Electric driers;
- Wash with warm water only;
- Coming in from the cold, do not hold under hot water;
- Twice a week use a scrub;
- Every night before bed, apply a nourishing cream.

If the trouble has already happened and cover your pimples once smooth brush, the following measures will help.

Water bath

Pour into a bowl of hot water 1 liter. Add 1 tbsp there. spoon any vegetable oil, mix well. Lower the tank and hold their hands about 5-10 minutes. Then wipe dry, apply a greasy skin nourishing cream and wear cotton gloves overnight.

Mask of potatoes

Boil two potatoes, purée them and add 2 tsp. Lemon juice. Apply the mixture to your hands covered with pimples. Top muffle them with plastic wrap (food or ordinary package), cover with warm scarf. Keep the mask for 15-20 minutes, then rinse. Hands wipe dry, apply a rich cream.

The oil wrap

Warm vegetable oil (preferably olive oil), dense brush smear them on the back side. Wear gloves made of polyethylene, and on them - mittens. Hold the butter for about 30 minutes, wash your hands and cover them with a nourishing cream.

Tags: hand, pimples, prevention