Meanwhile, if on the face and neck, most women care regularly, many people forget about the hands. But it is so important to protect them from harmful influences. So remember a few rules:
- Use hand wash only qualitative soap;
- If you wash dishes or clean up, wear rubber gloves;
- Always thoroughly wipe your hands;
- Do not dry their Electric driers;
- Wash with warm water only;
- Coming in from the cold, do not hold under hot water;
- Twice a week use a scrub;
- Every night before bed, apply a nourishing cream.
If the trouble has already happened and cover your pimples once smooth brush, the following measures will help.
Water bath
Pour into a bowl of hot water 1 liter. Add 1 tbsp there. spoon any vegetable oil, mix well. Lower the tank and hold their hands about 5-10 minutes. Then wipe dry, apply a greasy skin nourishing cream and wear cotton gloves overnight.
Mask of potatoes
Boil two potatoes, purée them and add 2 tsp. Lemon juice. Apply the mixture to your hands covered with pimples. Top muffle them with plastic wrap (food or ordinary package), cover with warm scarf. Keep the mask for 15-20 minutes, then rinse. Hands wipe dry, apply a rich cream.
The oil wrap
Warm vegetable oil (preferably olive oil), dense brush smear them on the back side. Wear gloves made of polyethylene, and on them - mittens. Hold the butter for about 30 minutes, wash your hands and cover them with a nourishing cream.