Caring for normal skin

Caring for normal skin
 Deeply mistaken those who think that the normal skin does not need daily hygiene care. Without the daily maintenance of the natural resources of normal skin, it quickly loses its positive qualities and gradually turn into a dry or oily. The main signs are normal skin a matte finish, elasticity, smoothness, color, lack luster, pimples and wrinkles. If you are the owner of normal skin, you are very lucky, so how to care for it is quite simple.

During washing is recommended to pat and stroking face. Due to this force blood circulation, increase metabolism, improve nutrition and normal skin tone. Wash with a soft water with soap. It is better to boil water first and let it brew for about 1 hour. Or diluted in 1 liter of water ½ tsp baking soda.
The water temperature should not be very cold or very hot. Cold water dries the skin and hot dilates blood vessels, leading to sagging and normal skin slackness.

Normal skin clean from dust and dirt should be 2 - 3 times a day using a soft emulsion or lotion designed specifically for this type of skin.

Toning normal skin is recommended using herbal lotions (lavender, rose, chamomile) 2 - 3 times a day before cleaning.

To moisturize normal skin can be used light cream with moisturizing effect. Avoid fatty creams that clog the pores and interfere with the normal functioning of skin glands.

In addition to basic daily treatments for normal skin, need 2 - 3 times a week to make a mask based on clay and 1 time per week - steam bath with herbs sage, chamomile and calendula.

In the care of normal skin is better not to use a night cream. Let the skin breathe, her day is enough glossing, lip service and painting.

Tags: skin, face care