Peeling skin on the fingers: the main causes
Causes of increased skin dryness hand set. These include lack of vitamins A and E, metabolic disorders, skin diseases, allergic reactions, in particular to take medication. In addition, very often starts to peel off the skin on the hands after contact with household cleaning products. Negative impact on the skin of the hands leave the temperature fluctuations and stay in a room with overdried air, which is why in the autumn-winter period, this part of the body in need of special care.
Moisturizing mask from peeling skin
If you have dry skin on hands, prepare her for this delicious moisturizer. To do this, take one egg yolk and mix it with rubbed into mush pulp ½ banana, and also includes a mixture of 1 tablespoon almond or peach butter. Preparation of cosmetic paste is applied to the skin of the hands and put on top of plastic bags or rubber gloves. Leave the mixture for 25-30 minutes, occasionally dropping his hands in hot water.
The maximum effect will be if the procedure is performed twice a week for a month.
Bath, get rid of peeling skin between the fingers
For its preparation must take ½ liter of serum and warmed to a comfortable temperature. After adding 5 drops of essential oil of marjoram or thyme (you can use chamomile essential oils). Dip your hands in the tub and soak for 10-15 minutes. By the way, these trays can do if scaly skin on the toes: they great deal with the problem. After the procedure, the hands should be dried and put on your skin greasy cream.
Baths enough to do it once a week.
Romashkovo-oily "cream" from peeling skin
The recipe of this miracle cream is as follows: take 2-2 tablespoons of 5 dried chamomile color, pour it 1 cup boiling water and insist 1, 5 hours. After the solution was filtered and added to the infusion of 3 tablespoons wheat flour (this should be done gradually to avoid lumps) and 2 tsp any vegetable oil. Prepared mask is applied to the skin, and after 25-30 minutes wash off. After this procedure, the skin is recommended to apply rich cream.