How to relieve irritation with bikini

How to relieve irritation with bikini
 The procedure for removing hair in the bikini area sometimes ends skin irritation. Private parts require delicate handling. However, even in the cabin is not always possible to avoid redness and microtrauma to the treated area of ​​the body.
 If in the process of hair removal hair removal or skin is injured, there is a feeling of burning, the first thing you need to disinfect it. Use for this purpose a solution of hydrogen peroxide, alcohol tincture of chamomile, calendula and propolis, their pre-diluted with water at a ratio of 1: 1. This method of disinfection in addition to more and soothes the skin. But avoid getting alcoholic liquors on mucous membranes. After the treatment, apply a skin moisturizer.

This method is not suitable girls with sensitive skin. They need to use sparing disinfectants. These include antiseptics - Chlorhexidine Miramistin, as well as thermal water. They can be gently and painlessly treat the skin. Furthermore, they can be applied to mucous membranes.

Soothe the skin and accelerate the healing process can ointment with antiseptic such as Solkoseril, Actovegin, Malawi and Boro Plus. Contraindication to them can only be idiosyncrasy components within them.

One of the most effective means of treating inflamed skin are ointments, which include panthenol. They kill bacteria, soothe irritation and stimulate skin regeneration.

Well established and popular treatments.

Decoctions succession, chamomile, celandine and calendula have a beneficial effect on the skin. Boil them, then cool slightly and filter the. After this dip in the broth of cotton pads and apply to irritated skin. Compress it is desirable to do every day before going to bed.

Are an excellent antiseptic essential oils of tea tree and eucalyptus. For use in the bikini area, mix two or three drops of any essential oil and one tablespoon of vegetable oil, then brush the resulting mixture of inflamed skin. The only drawback is their long oil absorption.

It has long been known for the healing properties of aloe, which relieves inflammation of the skin and moisturizes it. Cut leaf aloe along with the removal of sharp edges and attach to the irritated areas of the skin.

Time spent treatment will allow you to quickly get rid of the signs of skin irritation, so the following procedure hair removal in the bikini area will take place more efficiently and painlessly.

Tags: leather seat, Ambassador, hair removal, area, depilation, irritation, bikini