How to get rid of warts on the hand

How to get rid of warts on the hand
 Warts are caused by a virus papillomatoznyh. Once the agent is a virus, therefore, the disease is contagious. It is transmitted from an infected person to a healthy through direct contact and through household items. The presence of warts on hands spoil their appearance and require removal.
 There are many safe and effective ways to get rid of warts. It is advisable not to self-medicate and consult a doctor, dermatologist. The use of folk remedies or burning in the home can lead to inflammation of the surrounding tissue, suppuration, formation of rough scars. Thus formed scars can be removed only by means of plastic surgery.

Modern clinics and beauty centers offer a variety of ways to remove warts. Until now still relevant method of freezing solid carbon dioxide or liquid nitrogen, which are applied to the affected area by hand during 30 seconds to 2 minutes. After that, the skin forms a bubble, it is pierced at the puncture site and impose a sterile bandage. After 5-7 days the wart disappears.

At the site of warts scars, its magnitude depends on the size of the wart removal. To avoid scar formation to complete healing requires the use of special healing ointments based on natural grass.

The size of the scar may be more than wart removal, if the composition of cautery gets on healthy skin. To avoid this, it is recommended to treat skin treatments around the build-fat cream or Vaseline.

In multiple cluster of warts is sometimes enough to remove the largest 2-3. The rest disappear spontaneously without cauterization. In such cases, the duration of cleansing the hands of warts can be from one to several months, taking into account the time required for wound healing.

An alternative method of cauterization is diathermocoagulation. This searing electric shock. Also often use moxibustion 30% solution of hydrogen peroxide.

Due to the length, and in some cases painful procedures removing warts of hands, best to try to prevent their occurrence. This requires good personal hygiene: wash your hands regularly, use individual towels, to avoid micro traumas.

Tags: hand wart cauterization