Remove stretch marks from the body is possible by means of peeling. He starts the natural mechanism of cell renewal, as after such a procedure the top layer of the epidermis peels, and as a result the skin becomes smooth and elastic. Inside, you can sign up for a laser or chemical peels, if willing to give this problem enough time. By laser peels you will only cook for two months. Cosmetologist during this procedure, the laser burns stretching and puts on a special burn regenerating mixture. After laser prepare a couple of weeks to sit on the sick to heal burns could. Chemical peeling a little easier. Spend it with the acids that remove the top layer of cells.
Peeling can be done at home. Often used for this algae - powder concoctions, wraps with spirulina. When wrapping algae slurry is applied to the body, covered with polyethylene first, then with a warm blanket. High temperature promotes penetration into the cells of active substances. The procedure lasts about an hour. That the skin has leveled off after stretching is required to perform at least 10-12 procedures.
Tiny needles of silica contained in the powder concoctions, help him to penetrate the subcutaneous layers.
The powder should be mixed with water or hydrogen peroxide and rub the place of stretch marks. After 15 minutes, the powder can be washed away. Procedure is a little uncomfortable - after it for a while you will feel a slight tingling sensation when touched to the skin, but after a couple days it will pass. This peeling is undesirable to use more than once a week, so as not to harm the skin. After 10 sessions of stretching and become less noticeable decrease in size.