How to disguise a scar

How to disguise a scar
 Scars do not decorate a woman. Often, if they are in the open, they can be visible and cause embarrassment and complexes from their owner. But the tools of modern cosmetology and medicine can help hide even noticeable blemishes.  
 Small scar easiest to conceal cosmetics. For that purpose the adjusting means, as well as other problems with the skin. Purchase a foundation with a corrective effect, suitable for your skin tone. Then gently apply it on the scar rubbing movement. If the scar is pale and not too prominent, you will be able to make it invisible, but in other cases it will look aesthetically pleasing.

There are other means than the foundation. The scar can be masked and special pencils applied for "smearing" of acne. It is especially suitable for people with a scar, is markedly different in color from the rest of the skin.

In some cases, to hide scars can be applied and theatrical make-up on the basis of wax and latex. The problem can be considered that many of these tools are not suitable for daily use. Refer to the beautician, he will be able to recommend you something or other means for make-up in your case.

And to reduce the visibility of the scar can be used medicines such as "Kontraktubeks." They contribute to the reduction of scarring, and if necessary - and wound healing.

But there are scars that can not hide the above methods. Then come to the aid of cosmetology and medicine. In some cases, to reduce the scars can help deep peeling skin, held a beauty salon. This makes it possible to remove the upper stratum corneum of the skin, cover scars and give it replaced with a new, closer substructure to nearby tissues.

For very advanced cases, doctors may lead the plastic surgery. Modern technologies allow to correct even such a difficult to remove the lack of skin, like a scar.

Tags: skin, scar removal, defect, masking