Caring for the loose skin of the neck

Caring for the loose skin of the neck
 Over time, the skin on the neck loses its elasticity and becomes wrinkled and gives the true age of its owner. Loose skin of the neck is characterized by a pale color, prone to sagging and lack of elasticity. Special care for sagging neck skin can significantly improve its appearance and give it their attraction.
 Very useful procedure for neck skin is washing with cool water before going to bed. The beneficial effects of salt have procedures that will completely replace washing. To prepare the solution should be mixed a glass of boiled water at room temperature with a teaspoon of salt. Dipped in a solution with a cotton swab should wipe your face and neck. Instead of saline solution can also be used calendula. After it is recommended to grease the neck with an ointment made from lard. To mix 30 g of petrolatum, 0, 3 g of salicylic acid, 45 g of lard and 3 g of camphor oil.

In the fight against sagging neck skin is very effective massage, which will help get rid of wrinkles. The first time it should be done once every three days. Later, you can go to the daily sessions. Massage treatment is 15-20 sessions. Conduct should be twice a year.

Good effect is a mask for the skin of the neck. Summer suit cucumber, winter - lemon.

Cucumber mask nourishes and tones the skin. For its preparation will need two cucumbers. They need to peel and grate. The resulting slurry was evenly applied to the skin of the neck and leave for 10-15 minutes. When the time should wash off the mask with warm water. Likewise, you can make berry mask or mask from tomato.

To prepare the lemon mask should be cleaned from one lemon rind and cut it into thin slices, which should be thoroughly mash with a fork. The resulting mass is uniformly applied to the skin and left on for 10-15 minutes. Before applying the mask, and after washing the skin, apply rich cream.

The above recommendations will help prevent premature aging of the skin on the neck, as well as permanently preserve its beauty and youthfulness.

Tags: leather, mask, neck care