As a solarium with light skin

As a solarium with light skin
 Bronze skin is always in fashion. But if the summer can reach a chocolate hue naturally, tanning in the sun, then the rest of the year is coming to the aid of an artificial source of ultraviolet light - a solarium. Solarium can be any type of skin, but lighter than it is, the more nuances of the process.
 Before you go to a tanning salon, you must carefully examine her body. Light skin is most sensitive to the effects of ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, if there are multiple moles, it makes sense not to abuse the artificial sun.

To tan went smoother skin must be prepared, cleaned with a scrub. The solarium need to get rid of excess cosmetics and even perfume: aromatic oils, which they are composed, under ultraviolet light can be left on the skin pigmentation spots.

The lighter the skin, the more likely it is that instead of sunburn can get burned. Expect it will be possible to acquire a bright bronze color, it is not necessary. The basic rules without which a tan in the solarium for fair skin can not be related to the length of sessions.

Light skin is most vulnerable in the solarium, so do not try to tan quickly and directly. The first visit should not exceed 4-5 minutes. It was only after 3-4 treatments for skin gets used to the dose of UV, their duration can be increased up to 6-7 minutes.

Solarium for fair skin can be planned in stages: first week - three shortest procedure; second week - the same number of procedures lasting for a few minutes longer; third week - 2-3 sessions lasting no more than 8 minutes. It is necessary to pay attention to the individual response of the skin, if it responds to tan only redness, better to desist from further sessions.

When visiting a solarium sunscreen is not used. On sale there is a special cosmetics, fixing tan obtained in this way. For owners of light and sensitive skin will not get this over.

In that case, when it is possible to achieve a light shade of tan, you can maintain it by visiting the solarium once a week.

Tags: Leather, tanning bed, tanning