So after all scrubs - this is helpful or harmful?
According to cosmetologists, when our environment is not enough just to wash and wipe face tonic. Harmful external influences plus slow regeneration of cells - eventually accumulate on the skin surface dead cells - bacteria is a resort. They actively proliferate, leather dims, coarsens, looks listless and unkempt. Therefore, the skin from time to time required to "spring-cleaning" that is deep cleansing.
The only question is how and how often it should be given.
The procedure of exfoliation of dead cells is called exfoliation, or peeling and is chemical or mechanical.
Mechanical peeling carried out with scrubs. They contain small, solid particles - natural or artificial. Riding on the skin, they are "clean off" her dead scales.
Moreover, experts advise to choose exactly scrubs with artificial particles because they have a perfect spherical shape, and therefore, do not scratch or irritate the skin. In contrast, for example, from the crumbs apricot kernels, grains of which can have sharp edges. From these considerations luxury beauty brands are increasingly using in their name means skrabovye artificial particles.
During a chemical peel dead cells of the stratum corneum is not "scrape off", and dissolved
▪ using acid: lactic, malic, citric
▪ using enzymes (enzymes) that "eat" dead protein.
Enzyme Peeling is considered more natural and gentle, because these substances have on our skin initially. Just with age (35-40 years), their is not enough to "eat" all dead cells. Then come to the aid peels containing enzymes extracted from fruit such as papaya or kiwi.
Peeling is not recommended to do more than one or two times a week. Opinion that the more skin is oily, the more it needs to expose deep cleansing - a profound error.
Too frequent exfoliation "will confuse" the sebaceous glands, and they begin to work in emergency mode. The result will be the opposite.
Can peel cure ugroevoey disease? Can not but help. Its impact deep enough to cope with blocked pores, but is one of the essential components of care problem skin. However, if the skin is inflamed, the procedure is better to postpone.
Making peeling correctly:
1. Thoroughly clean the skin
2. Liberally apply scrub in circular massaging movements from the center to the periphery of the face on the increase. Peeling sure to hold the skin at least 3 minutes. First, deep cleansing does not happen quickly, and secondly, good producers added to their products a lot of useful items - give them time to act.
3. Thoroughly wash your face with warm water and wipe with a tonic. Now we can apply cream. Then you can apply a mask or a means of daily care.
Along with exfoliationcleansing mask is also a way to deep clean the skin.
They not only finish with surface contamination, but also free pores. Kaolin (or other type of clay) - a key component of such masks - a strong absorbent successfully absorbing the fat from the skin surface. Already mentioned enzymes and acids are also included in the cleansing mask and provide additional purification of the horny scales. Besides cleaning the mask can not do without antiseptics, which fight bacteria and ingredients that regulate process sebaceous excretions.
Making a cleansing mask correctly:
1. Clean the skin with exfoliation
2. Apply a thick layer of the mask on the face, except for the area around the eyes and lips. If the skin combined - only the T-zone. A thick layer is designed to prevent the mask to dry quickly
3. Do not laugh and do not smile until the mask on your face
4. After the mask is removed (warm water), be sure to wipe the face with a mask on his face tonikom.Derzhite 5-7 minutes, if skin is clean, and the procedure is carried out for prevention. If the person on the real problem, in less than 15-20 minutes to achieve an outcome will not succeed. Will also have to repeat the procedure three times in the first week of treatment, the second - two and then once weekly.
How old do you need to do deep cleaning?
Of course, the girl with the perfect smooth face exfoliate the skin is not necessary. But teenagers with skin problems such procedures useful.
According to cosmetologists, in adulthood, and peels deep cleansing mask are essential - not only do they vyponyayut its direct functions, but also repeatedly reinforce the effect of other cosmetic products. Regular use of home remedies will help to have a deep cleansing flat relief of the skin and eliminate the need to make a painful cleansing in the cabin. But the main thing is not to overdo it!
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