Everyone knows that makeup should be flushed before bedtime. Leaving remnants of shadows, eyeliner and mascara on her eyes, you risk wake up with swollen eyelids and bags under the eyes.
Carefully choose the means for removing makeup - they may be different in composition and mode of action. If you use waterproof cosmetics, you will need two-phase purification. For ordinary cosmetics enough milk and tonic light texture.
The sequence of removing eye make-up is as follows: first remove the shadows, then mascara to the eyelashes, the last clear the lower eyelid.
Removing make-up, try not to stretch the skin. Apply the product to remove makeup on a cotton pad and apply for some time on the eyelids. Then remove makeup, moving from the outer corner of the eye to the inside on the upper eyelid.
Removing the carcass can be carried out in two ways - using cotton swabs or cotton disc. Cotton swabs remove mascara eyelashes from the roots to the ends. A cotton swab dipped in a make-up remover tool, put on the lower eyelid, the other swab spend on eyelashes in the direction of their growth. Clean the lower eyelid region as well as an upper eyelid.
If there is a need - repeat the procedure several times until you remove all traces of makeup. Properly remove makeup from the eyes, you can use a cotton swab - so you remove makeup without smearing the remnants of the face, gently and carefully. The stick is suitable for removing eyeliner that is applied to the inner edge of the eye. If circumstances do not allow to use special means for removing makeup, try any of the available creams, oils.
Well removes even waterproof make-up oil and fat baby cream. Saturate a swab and dab the eye area, gently remove makeup. After the procedure, wash with warm water. Be careful and make sure that the cleaning agent does not get into eyes. You can wash off makeup with hot soapy water, but this method is harmful to the delicate skin and is suitable only as a single emergency.