Professional cosmetics

Professional cosmetics
 The notion of "professional cosmetics," appeared in the salon business about twenty years ago. But until now, many people believe that the term refers to cosmetics with a high content of biologically active substances, which can be bought only professional experts. That's it. But this concept, except for the range of products includes the most certified professionals who have received training manipulation for cosmetic care.
 Usually, in the range of professional cosmetic line is represented by sixty to one hundred items of special funds. This range is designed for consistent and meaningful application not only to eliminate the cosmetic and aesthetic problems, but for food, cleansing and moisturizing skin care for her.

The composition of the products of one cosmetic line is that they must necessarily be combined with each other in skin care and complex application reinforce each other. The content of biologically active substances in products for professional cosmetics higher than those in the cosmetics, which can be purchased at a regular pharmacy or department store cosmetics, so they can be assigned and used only by professionals. In the meantime, in the complex may be a means that can be used in the home and cosmetics, including antiperspirants, skin protection against ultraviolet rays protective agent, and hygiene.

Professional beauty products should be used as often as home remedies for skin care regularly, but in accordance with the recommendations of cosmetologist. Creams and lotions, use twice a day - morning and evening, masks and peelings - one - two times a week. In use, consult a specialist to adjust the mode of application of these funds, taking into account individual circumstances.

Sometimes it is possible to buy professional cosmetics and yourself, but it is important to remember that only an expert can help you find it correctly. In addition, in the salons of all cosmetics has a certificate confirming its authenticity, and the funds purchased with it, of course, do not have them. Amateur in the matter is fraught with irritation, allergy, discomfort and, ultimately, money spent in vain.

 Author: sestr

Tags: cosmetics