How to use flax seed oil

How to use flax seed oil
 Flaxseed oil is due to its unique composition has a wide range of applications. This oil does not hurt to have in the house, it is sure to come in handy in cooking, and caring for the face and body. In any case, a positive result will be required.
 Flaxseed oil contains a lot of nutrients and has a high taste, so they can replace conventional sunflower oil. It can serve as an excellent substitute for fish and fish oil, as contains polyunsaturated omega-3 acids. Regular consumption of flaxseed oil will reduce the possibility of heart disease. Only it must be remembered that the most nutritionally unrefined oil, and after a long hot all the nutrients are destroyed.

Linseed oil also promotes the healing of wounds, burns, skin disease (psoriasis, dermatitis, and warts, etc.). To do this, moisten the cloth with oil and apply to the affected area. Flax oil is used in various cosmetic products for dry, flaky and aging skin. Masks from linseed oil can be used at home. Agent is applied very thin layer on the face, leave for 20-25 minutes and then wash off with warm water.

This is the easiest recipe mask, but there are more sophisticated and effective. Mix one tablespoon of butter and the same amount of honey, add a raw egg yolk. Stir the mixture and put in hot water. When the mask becomes warm, it is applied to the face and after 15 minutes rinsed. This recipe mask nourishes the skin. To get a refreshing and tonic, do differently.

Mix one tablespoon of baker's yeast with a small amount of warm milk, and then stirred until a mush. To this mixture add one teaspoon of flaxseed oil, sour cream, honey and lemon juice. All ingredients are well blended. Mask is applied a thick layer on the face after 15 minutes wash off with warm water.

To create a rejuvenating mask fresh nettle leaves pour boiling water, and then pulverized to mushy state. The two tablespoons of nettles add one teaspoon of flaxseed oil, everything is very well stirred. Put on the face, after 15-20 minutes wash off with warm water.

With linseed oil can be cleaned and even the body to lose weight at the same time. Usage is simple: it is necessary to take 1 tbsp oil on an empty stomach in the morning and at night before bed so much. Course - one to three months.

Tags: oil, mask