Harmful cosmetics

 How long have you put things in order in my make-up bag? When was the last time you cast a critical glance at its contents? Coming soon all you hardly pay attention to the expiration date of your favorite cosmetics, which has long been over. Ink, teeming with bacteria, lipstick, powder, blush ...

Under the heading Diet: Improve metabolism

How long have you put things in order in my make-up bag? When was the last time you cast a critical glance at its contents? Coming soon all you hardly pay attention to the expiration date of your favorite cosmetics, which has long been over. Ink, teeming with bacteria, lipstick, powder, blush ...
Using such a thing, you can not only harm your skin but also your health. But health is hardly worth saving.
Urgent discard expired products not only because of its cosmetic, but also from the bathroom (and certainly there such there).

Dia Shams, manager cosmetics company in Ottawa helps clients to get rid of unnecessary items in the beautician: "The main mistake most women, that they are too long are the same make-up, I would say harmful cosmetics. But as a rule, all cosmetic products become useless after six months. We always think that the more useful to us, but in fact do not. Somehow to me on reception came client, she was in her purse 25 items of different cosmetics. As a result of a thorough revision of about 15 objects were thrown in the trash. But there were new lipstick, mascara and foundation. "

So, we finally got rid of almost a third of the contents, which are stored exclusively for sentimental reasons (goodbye, blush, bought 20 years ago!). Some products, such as compact powder with a wet shine a haven for bacteria. Throw away all that has changed color or odor, even if you use it is better not to risk your skin and buy a new tool.

Even if external signs, talking about the spoiled food, no no, but the shelf life is ended, it is still with the makeup should leave. By type of makeup is not always possible to determine its quality and even more so to understand whether this is harmful cosmetics for your body. Try testing the arm - the color is supposed to be saturated with once.

Mascara should be changed every three months. Whenever you open it, close the tube fall in bacteria. Please note, good quality new mascara unlike overdue lays down exactly, without lumps.

Lipstick can not serve more than a year, then without regret, to part with it. If you bought a new lipstick, and after a while she ceased to please you, it is better to give it to someone else or throw away - do not expect that in a few years you will like this color. Lipstick should be without a pungent smell, it is not sweet, it would smell delicious. If the lipstick on your lips kept less than an hour, it's a bad lipstick. Nail polish should not give yellowness.

Well-known companies such as Chanel or OPI, do not spare money for high-quality brushes, packaging, sponges, which significantly prolong the life of cosmetics. Sponges and brushes need to be cleaned periodically.

Before you buy be sure to consult your dealer, who will tell you not only about the benefits of a drug, but also about proper storage. And remember - harmful cosmetics can is cheap, but too expensive for you and your party.

Tags: cosmetics