Cosmetics Yves Sent Loran

Cosmetics Yves Sent Loran
 Yves Saint Laurent famous worldwide fashion designer who creates not only clothes, but also perfumes, cosmetics, hygiene products, and, of course, accessories for men and women. Cosmetics Yves Sent Loran earned the trust of the richest and most famous women.

In addition to perfume line, Yves Sent Loran creates a care line for face and body.

The better half of humanity enjoys not only decorative cosmetics Yves Saint Laurent, but also spirits, which are produced under this brand.

No need to talk about the impeccable quality and originality of cosmetics from Yves Saint Laurent. Just want to note that this makeup is unique, and it is popular all over the world.

Lipstick, marketed under the brand Yves Sent Loran, look great on the lips. Their texture translucent. Yves Saint Laurent lipstick cares for lips and protects them from UV radiation and other adverse factors. It is considered one of the best.

If we talk about mascara, here applied the latest technology, "three-layer film." Creating the effect of false eyelashes. Cilia are made thick, with smoothed and protected. Ink is applied evenly, does not stick lashes. It's just a dream of any woman!

One should not forget about the tonal resources. Yves Saint Laurent has developed a lightweight cream that is convenient to use. He is very good care of the skin, making it soft and smooth. It has a translucent texture, with good hides skin imperfections, aligning complexion. Concealer from Yves Sent Loran looks very natural on the face.

Just Yves Sent Loran produces cream powder. It is better to use for normal and combination skin. It is remarkable masks all imperfections, but at the same time, does not look like a mask - the texture is very light and natural vision.

Makeup collection by Yves Saint Laurent is constantly updated. Already there are new eyeshadow (their shades satisfy any woman), nail polish "3 in 1" (used as well as the basis for a nail), powder (absorbs skin allocation).

This article describes just a few products of this great couturier. Any of its cosmetics fit woman who opts for quality and beauty.

Tags: cosmetics, sent, Barcelona, ​​Laurent, yves, loran