Cosmetics own hands. Recipes home cosmetics

 Now on the shelves of cosmetics stores you can find anything. Creams, masks, lotions, gels, foams ... Jars look so attractive, and advertising with ageless beauties persistently pushes us to buy. But what is actually contained in the cosmetics store? Do all substances are useful for our skin? These questions often asks himself every one of us, especially after the fact or other cosmetic suddenly found allergy. And is there an alternative cosmetics from the supermarket? Today women's magazine JustLady shares the secrets of what cosmetic products can be made at home.

Benefit fromHome Cosmetics - The mass. Its obvious advantages, firstly, in the absence of any preservatives and other hazardous chemicals, which are abundant in the finished cosmetic. When you are finished cosmetic products yourself, know exactly what is included in its composition. The second advantage - saving budget. From what is in the house, you can make a cream or mask, which in effect will not yield production of a class "lux", but cost will be much cheaper.

The main disadvantageHome Cosmetics that they are not stored for long (typically one or two days to a week), therefore it is necessary each time to prepare it again. And this - the time spent. But is it worth the time to feel sorry for yourself your favorite? So, today women's magazine offers JustLadyrecipes for homemade cosmetics.

Recipes home cosmetics: creams

The basisHome creams - Glycerin, lanolin (sold in pharmacies) or beeswax. In addition, they added essential oils, extracts of herbs, fruits, vegetables and other plant components that care for the skin, nourish and moisturize it.

Homemade cream for dry skin with chamomile:
1 tablespoon dried chamomile flowers pour ½ cup of water and boil for 15 minutes. Strain, add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of glycerin, mix thoroughly. In another container, melt in a water bath 1 tablespoon butter and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. A little cool, add 1 teaspoon of camphor oil and 1 tablespoon of egg yolk. Connect the resulting mixture with glycerine-Romashkovo composition, beat with a mixer and chill in the refrigerator.

Homemade cream for oily skin with salicylic acid:
6 grams of glycerol is dissolved in half a glass of water, add 80 grams of glycerol and 1 g of salicylic acid. Heat in a water bath until completely dissolved, stir well, then cool. Cream for oily skin moisturizing.

Home cosmetics: recipes lotions and tonics

Lotions, home-cooked, cleanses and tones the skin, helps fight with cosmetic problems such as pimples or blackheads, enlarged pores, inflammation and peeling.

Homemade acne lotion with sage:
2 tablespoons dried sage leaves pour 1 cup boiling water and let stand for 2 hours. Strain, add 1 teaspoon of honey and mix thoroughly. Cool and rub the problem areas twice a day.

Cucumber tonic for all skin types:
Half of the medium cucumber peel and grate. Mix 3 tablespoons of cucumber puree with 1 cup of hot or boiling water. Let it brew, strain and cool. Use to wipe the face daily.

Cucumber Lotion for oily skin:
Cucumber is also suitable for the preparation of lotions for oily skin. It perfectly cleanses, tightens pores and brightens slightly traces of inflammation. Half cup cucumber puree, mix with half a glass of vodka and leave for 2 weeks. Thereafter, dilute 1 cup of boiled water and refrigerate. The lotion is ready!

Home lotion with aloe for dry and aging skin:
Aloe has long been used in cosmetics to moisturize dry and dehydrated skin. To prepare homemade lotion with him, leaves of the plant are cut and left in the refrigerator for a half or two weeks. Thereafter 50 grams of aloe leaves is filled with 500 ml. water, leave for 2 hours and heat over low heat until boiling. The resulting lotion is filtered and stored in a refrigerator.

Cosmetics own hands. Recipes home cosmetics

Cosmetics: homemade recipes peels and scrubs

Home peels and scrubs easily rid the skin of dead skin and dirt particles. As a basis for exfoliating scrubs home is usually used coffee grounds, grind sea salt or sugar.

Home scrub with salt:
Scrub on the basis of sea salt is perfect for oily and combination skin. Note: To skrabiruyuschie particles do not injure the skin, large salt, you must first grind in a coffee grinder. Thereafter it is mixed with a small amount of olive oil or honey. The resulting mixture is used to exfoliate while taking a bath or shower.

Coffee Scrub:
Coffee scrub can be prepared in two ways. The first - from the coffee grounds from the brewed coffee, the second - from finely ground coffee beans. Choose the method that you like. Coffee mixed with water until thick cream and applied to the body in a circular motion. If you have dry skin, you can add a few spoonfuls of honey means. Scrub coffee not only cleans, but also helps fight cellulite and gives the skin a nice shade of light tan. The latter is especially true in the summer.

Oatmeal scrub for oily skin:
Perepolotye almond kernels mix with crushed oatmeal. Add a small amount of milk or water until smooth thick cream. Massaged the lotion peeling on the face, then rinse thoroughly.

Cosmetics: homemade recipes for face masks

Preparation face masks do not require a lot of effort, and the effect of them will exceed all expectations. The smooth, gentle, clear skin - all the result of applyinghomemade masks. Summer - the best time for them, because almost all the fruits or vegetables are suitable for the creation of this cosmetic product.

Mask for dry skin of plums and melons:
The flesh plums and melons mince, mix in equal proportions and add 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil (sunflower or olive). Apply on face and wash off after 15 minutes with cool water.

Moisturizing Mask curd:

100 grams of cottage cheese mixed with two tablespoons of honey. Apply on face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse. If you have dry and sensitive skin can be added to mask a tablespoon of olive oil.

Cleansing Mask for oily skin problem:
100 grams of green cosmetic clay dissolve in water until thick cream, add half a teaspoon of lemon juice and a few drops of tea tree oil. The resulting mixture was put on face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse and wipe the face tonic. Mask based on clay cleans pores and dries inflammation.

Remember:homemade cosmetics is not intended for long-term storage. Once the products included in its composition, begin to deteriorate, cosmetics, prepared with his own hands, turns to poison. Therefore cook cosmetics at home in small portions. And feel free to throw away leftovers - it's an excuse the next time make some new homemade cosmetic. Especially home cosmetology gives huge scope for creativity.

Elena Yarkova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: oil, Ambassador, shampoo, cooking, cosmetics, glycerine, recipe jar