With acne fighting diet

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 Pimples begin to bother guys and girls in their teens - against the background of hormonal changes, this process looks natural. A significant role in the appearance of acne diet plays - very harmful adorable teens crackers, chips, soda and sweets.
 Provide young people with the right food should parents - taking care of that in the diet were a teenager fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs, liquid dish rests on their shoulders. Sami youths should be aware of the fact that the consumption of preservatives and chemical additives that make up the modern fast-food, directly affects the amount of acne on the face.

If teenagers all more or less clear - hormones eventually stabilizes, then for adults appearance of acne is quite different reasons. If you struggle with oily skin you have already ruled out problems in the hormonal system, added a deep cleaning procedure, you should pay close attention to diet. Slagging intestine is also the cause of ill-health of the skin, so give yourself a proper diet - which means goodbye to acne and inflammation.

Diet for Beautiful Skin includes plenty of fluids - with the age of toxins and decomposition products displayed more slowly, so you need to help the body and prevent dehydration. Need to drink the "right" drinks - water, green tea, fruit infusions, decoctions of herbs and berries.

Dietary restrictions are simple - no pickles, smoked delicacies, fatty sweets. Sugar your body will receive fresh fruit (apples, bananas, grapes, etc.), salt rich in vegetables and herbs. Smoked products, in principle, be harmful because they contain large amounts of preservatives. If you are a coffee lover, you limit its use to one cup a day and diluted with milk.

Your dishes are not fresh, if you use cooking spices - turmeric, ginger, garlic (strengthens the immune system and accelerate metabolism, burning unwanted fats). Dried fruit will satisfy your need for sweet, and prunes and dried apricots normalizes the bowels. If you have not eaten porridge, the correct position - oatmeal magically on the skin (breakfast, do facials, Wash). Useful buckwheat, which eliminates fluid and toxins, wholemeal bread and bran. Fish and meat are best eaten boiled or steamed, fried foods allow yourself only occasionally.

Diet for acne will not only make your skin beautiful, but also to find a graceful form.

Tags: pimple, diet, nutrition