Ways to deal with scars on his face

Ways to deal with scars on his face
 The presence of scars on his face, as a rule, significantly affects the psychological well-being of women, causing great dissatisfaction with their appearance, and it is sometimes the cause of severe depression. Therefore, there exists several techniques and trends in cosmetics, with which you can get rid of scars.

First decide what scars. These scars are left on the body after the skin lesions resulting from trauma, inflammation, burns and surgical operations. In place of damage skin tissue is increased production of collagen - the protein has been actively involved in wound healing. Collagen quickly fills the void of the skin, but protecting the body, it gives the damaged skin is not an aesthetic appearance.

There are three main types of scars: hypertrophic, keloid, and atrophic. Hypertrophic scars are raised above the surface of the skin, atrophic - located below the skin, creating a hole in it, keloid scars (scars) - protruding above the surface of the skin formation of a pronounced pink (sometimes bluish) color and is sometimes accompanied by itching, burning.

If the scars are shallow, with the help of modern methods of cosmetic surgery and can almost completely get rid of them. With deep scars medicine is still unable to fully fight, but research in this area is ongoing and every year there are new progressive methods.

One of the most radical, but rarely used methods is the surgical removal (excision) scar. This method is used to remove keloid scars when other options are ineffective. After this surgery remains a small scar more accurate, which is then removed with the help of modern technology.

Less traumatic manner compared with excision is skin dermabrasion. By the very name of the procedure can be understood that the injured skin areas subject to grinding, ie precise removal of the upper layers of cells. Along with dermabrasion is used as core or deep skin peeling, whose technology is also based on the polishing (update) of the skin.

Not so long ago began to be used in cosmetic laser correction (grinding) scars. Under the influence of the laser as well as with dermabrasion and peeling removes the top layers of skin cells. All these procedures are effective for removing small scars postugrevyh example.

To eliminate atrophic scars (pits) are used mesotherapy - collagen injections in the "sagging" of the scar. If the scars are shaped protuberance, there is used the injection of steroids, which makes the fabric less voluminous, attenuate its like.

Widely used in the correction of scars and silicone ointment plate. The impact of technology on the silicone scar explains: it affects a particular enzyme - collagenase, which becomes active, destroy scar tissue composed of collagen.

The search for effective ways to deal with scars constantly continues. In laboratory research, as a means for removing scars are tried very unexpected substances - such as bee venom. Another promising direction is to look for the possibility of preventing scar formation. These studies are conducted on the basis of Genetics and promise in the near future to find a truly revolutionary ways of dealing with the scars.

Tags: face, scar, the way the removal of the struggle