Secrets of care for lashes

Secrets of care for lashes
 Thick and long lashes - it is really very feminine and beautiful. If you want to always be the center of attention and captivate your eyes admiring glances, make eyelashes gorgeous and charming. This can be achieved and at home.

Eyelashes identified for care, attention and special care. Gaze framed by gorgeous cilia can blow any man. But, unfortunately, sometimes lashes start to break and fall out.

The main reason may be improper care, harmful effects of the environment, lack of adequate nutrition or low-quality cosmetics. Another reason may be the general condition of your body. You need to very carefully monitor their health.

Cilia, like hair, and requires constant reinforcement. To care for them fit some funds that are meant for hair. For the care of the eyelashes are also well suited freshly prepared mask from vegetable oil, finely ground parsley and aloe juice. Prepared mask rub in a circular motion in the area around the eyes and on the cilia (only carefully). It perfectly stimulates proper blood circulation in the area.

It is also necessary to use special oils that are applied directly to the eyelashes, such as burdock or castor oil. They are well nourish and strengthen the cilia.

In the fight against breakage and loss to the aid of herbal infusions, which are very beneficial effect on the hair and the eyelashes (for example, a decoction of chamomile). Apply the special packs of cotton discs that soak in broth or infusion of herbs.

Remember that even well-groomed lashes look beautiful only in harmony with healthy eyes. Therefore, the eye also needs constant care. Do not forget to control the load, given daily to the eyes. Drink vitamins intended eye.

Pick up the correct color cosmetics for the eyes. She has to be of high quality. Do not skimp on yourself. Before use, do not forget to check for allergic reactions.

Tags: eyelash care, eyelash, care