How to choose a face cream

How to choose a face cream
 As a rule, in five years 18-25 girls do not think about the fact that facial skin requires more care than just the removal of make-up for the night. However, older ladies know that the sooner you start to take care of your face, the later it will show your true age. However, very often far from the first time can not find suitable for you cream.  
 Today on the shelves of women expect such an abundance of all kinds of jars, tubes, vials, which, of course, it is difficult to find among them the one, the only, yours. Before buying you like cream, it is worth considering a number of options.

First, going to the store, decide with your skin type. As we know, they are four: dry, oily, normal and combination. If you are the owner, dry skin, when choosing a cream pay attention to his constituents: nice if among them are glycerin, emollients (special fatty substances with softening and smoothing effect); well as if a part of this cream will hyaluron (or hyaluronic acid), preserving moisture.

For oily skin glycerol, on the contrary, is contraindicated. It is desirable to include components were antiseptics, anti-inflammatory agents, as well as those which reduce sebum (e.g., vitamins A, E, zinc and sulfur, allatonin, herbal extracts - Calendula, Aloe).

For normal skin generally requires a protection and easy hydration. In this case, it is not necessary to take nutrients and moisturizers - fit only those that contain some moisturizing elements. Most often, this acts as propylene glycol. Security elements serve as a rule, chamomile, aloe. Not bad, if selected as part of the cream you will find extracts of algae and mineral oils.

Combination skin, perhaps, requires particularly careful maintenance. Of course, it is best if you put on different areas of the face specific cream: usually on the chin, forehead, nose area of ​​the skin is more oily, on the neck, cheeks - normal or dry. However, there are quite a good cream for combination skin: manufacturers try to balance them podsushivayuschee agents and wetting agents. Calcium, zinc, natural coconut oil - such elements are present in these creams.

Having dealt with the type of skin, and do not forget about the age - this is very important. For example, if you are under twenty-five, but liked the cream, designed for a more mature age, better leave it on the shelf - hyaluron that may be present there, not recommended for young skin.

Cream is divided into day and night, and in the arsenal of every girl and woman should be present and the one and the other. Night is designed for a more intense effect, daily acts more gently and softly - but your skin at any time of the day will be protected. By the way, you have chosen the cream also depends on the time of year: the summer is better to choose moisturizers and winter - nourishing cream.

And finally, one more piece of advice: if you can, then before you buy a favorite cream, buy a first probe.

Tags: skin, face cream, care