How to change the nose without surgery

How to change the nose without surgery
 Nose - a characteristic of the person making the appearance of each person unique. But because people tend to look for flaws in himself, often they have a desire to alter and your nose, which may not suit the length or shape.
 In fact, you can not change the shape or length of the nose without plastic surgery. Therefore, plastic nose - one of the most common procedures in this area. Rhinoplasty, including being done for medical reasons, such as when a deviated septum interferes with normal breathing. Someone enjoys cosmetic tweaks and corrects the shape of the nose with makeup. This, of course, gives a short-term effect.

However, in one case, change the length and shape can be - if the nose lengthened or drooped. This happens in most people, starting with a fairly young age, but more common in the elderly. Facial muscles as the body's muscles, need exercise to save tone. With age, the tip of the nose expands and falls. This problem can be solved by performing an exercise on the shortening of the nose, which is described by the author of the program of gymnastics Carol Maddzhio person.

Lift the tip of his nose up his index finger. Tighten your nose and try to put pressure on the tip of your finger. Another option - to pull the upper lip down. Hold for a few seconds so and repeat several times, preferably not less than thirty. Breathe normally, do not strain. This exercise can be done every day, twice a day. As a rule, the result is visible on the third or fourth day. Having achieved the desired result, do the exercise regularly to maintain the effect.

To some it may be hard to believe that the nose can be shortened, but it is possible due to the fact that in the nose than cartilage, muscles there. During exercise to train the muscles shorten, lower nasal septum, and nose droop stops. And by improving blood flow tightens the skin.

If what you want to fix, not a consequence of the weakening of the nasal muscles or congenital deformities, then take a look at yourself carefully. Not necessarily nose a Hollywood actress, seemingly ideal, and you would go. Not always, but usually gives a person the nature of these parts of the body that are best in harmony with each other.

Tags: nose surgery