How to avoid problems with the skin after the summer

How to avoid problems with the skin after the summer
 Summer - a difficult time for the skin. Sun, dust, heat, sea water is not the best way affects its condition and can lead to unpleasant consequences, including dryness, peeling and even the appearance of wrinkles. All this can be avoided if properly care for your skin in the summer and help her to be rehabilitated after the end of the holiday season.
 Sun - the number one enemy for the skin. On the one hand it generously skin beautiful gilding, making the look irresistible. On the other is the sun's rays are the main factor of skin aging. The sun causes the skin to lose elasticity, thicken, covered with wrinkles. This means that without protection in the summer can not do.

Get in the habit on a hot day does not leave the house without causing the face and exposed areas of the body sunscreen. Be sure to buy the summer season hair care products with sunscreen. Be sure to use a sunny day sunglasses and hats.

Sunglasses are necessary in order to protect the skin eye - very dry, sensitive and capable of very seriously affected by merciless sun. The headpiece is not only save you from sunstroke, but also protect your hair, just do not like to solar radiation.

In addition to protecting the skin in summer is especially important to keep drinking regime. That is to drink at least one and a half liters of clean water per day. This will help prevent dehydration of the skin and its unpleasant consequences.

The hot season requires more attention to hygiene as skin separation - a great breeding ground for bacteria. And yet ... and dust. Clean skin thoroughly in the morning and in the evening, but use soft sparing agent.

After a vacation at sea skin looks very nice - smooth, tanned. But after a while can be problems - dry and so on. Therefore, the end of summer skin needs moisturizing active.

Try for 7-10 days daily use soft natural peels, at least 2 times a day to use nourishing products with moisturizing effect and a high content of vitamins. An excellent result in this difficult time for the skin give natural hydrating mask, which must also be possible to do daily for 1-1, 5 weeks after the summer holidays.

Tags: leather, Ambassador, bath, summer, Problems, Consequences, protection, tan