Facials after the summer: solve skin problems

Facials after the summer: solve skin problems
 Summer - a difficult time for the skin, especially the skin. Yes, summer - a fruit, salty sea air. Not only. In addition to it there are the hot sun, heat, dust mingled with sweat and clog pores, dirt and other troubles. It is not surprising that in the autumn skin often does not look refreshed and prettier. And, of course, the situation must be saved.
 So what should be done to the skin affected in unequal battles with the hot summer sun? First of all, it should deal with dehydrated and restore the lipid layer.

First install drinking regime. Drink at least 1, 5-2 liters of water per day, is water instead of tea, coffee, sweet drinks and the like. Be sure to eat fruits, herbs and other gifts of the summer, and eliminate from your diet of fast food, as well as a dish in which the meat is combined with flour.

Make a daily ritual facial massage. Self-massage - it's easy. Apply to cleansed skin a little cosmetic oil, and then gently massage the skin, being careful not to move her fingers and moving strictly on massage lines. It is advisable to do self-massage face daily procedure.

If there are no skin sunburn, use detergent with fruit acids. Temporarily Forget about rough scrub and use 1 time per week with the same peeling fruit acids. After peeling do yourself a facial massage.

Several times a week pamper skin moisturizing mask. You can use the products cosmetic companies, and you can do such a mask themselves from natural ingredients. And, of course, shows the daily use of day and night moisturizers. By the way, do not forget that your eyelids and lips, too, suffered from the bright summer sun and also need to be thoroughly wetted with the help of specialized tools.

Very often it happens that after a hot summer skin somehow covered with pimples. The reasons for this are numerous: climate change, clogged pores, sebaceous glands, overreliance sunbathing and so on. How to deal?

First of all, do not be upset, so as not to weaken the stress immunity. If everything is really bad or is suspected to any fungal infection or allergic reaction - to go to a dermatologist. If comedones and pimples purulent settled on the shoulders and face - to the beautician. For cleaning. Alas, with pigment spots, too, have to go to it though. Deal with them on their own is unlikely.

With regard to domestic procedures, everything is relatively easy. To begin to understand the power. This means less fatty, fried, spicy, refined (including sugar), plus raw fruits, vegetables, dairy products.

With respect to cosmetic procedures all a little more complicated: daily cleaning, weekly peeling with fruit acids, steam baths with herbs, the use of moisturizers. These measures will help to normalize the sebaceous glands, which means that all summer skin problems will soon disappear.

Tags: skin, face, burn, Ambassador, pimple, summer, problem, care, blackheads, dehydration