The Truth About radiolifting

The Truth About radiolifting
 The natural process of aging is associated not only with a decrease in collagen and elastin, and c the number of fibroblasts, which are able to ensure the formation and regeneration of fibers. Modern cosmetology offers an alternative way to significantly rejuvenate and tighten the skin. To resolve this issue without plastic surgery and invasive intervention, you can use radio lifting procedures.
 What is radiolifting

Radiolifting - is the use of radio waves for skin rejuvenation. For the first time the procedure has been proposed and implemented by Thermage of America. Her second name - Thermage.

The essence of radio lifting is to use radio waves of different frequency. The thermal energy helps run the natural regeneration of the skin due to exposure to collagen and elastin fibers. Fibroblasts are compressed, which leads to a substantial tightening and sealing of the fibers.

The effect can be seen almost immediately, this is achieved by denaturation of the protein molecules. But to fully restore skin structure requires 6 procedures.

In addition to tightening and skin rejuvenation effect is achieved by the removal of cellulite. In the tissues increases the activity of metabolic processes, it leads to increased oxygen consumption, significantly increased the number of catabolites and metabolites, blood vessels dilate, there is intense elimination of waste products. All this helps to completely remove the orange peel with problem areas.
When conducting radio lifting heats only the epidermis, radio frequency band has no effect on muscle tissue. This procedure differs significantly from all other methods and allows it to be carried out in any season.
The advantage of radio lifting is: exact dosage effects, good tolerability, no risk of infection, termoomolozhenie, removing cellulite.

The main indications for radio lifting: the natural aging process, the presence of cellulite, acne, boils, acne skin treatment.

Contraindications radio lifting

By absolute contraindications include: pregnancy implanted pacemaker, defibrillator, infectious processes general or local character, autoimmune diseases, the presence of metallic implants, endocrine disease, thrombosis, oncology.

Tags: reading, help, however, the procedure, holding, rejuvenation, radiolifting