Products for acne

Products for acne
 Unfortunately, acne and similar skin imperfections concerned people not only in the transition to adulthood. And if the youth is sometimes enough to wash daily with a special gel, the adult woman, for which the majority of teenage funds will not have a noticeable effect, you should pay attention to the food ...

Nutritionists, developed a special system to improve the health of the skin, including in it products saves from inflammation and irritation on his face. Firstly, it is olive oil. It should be as often as possible to cook using this unique product. Olive oil promotes health

Secondly, it is a green tea. This drink - a source of anti-inflammatory chemical element catechin. This substance fights free radicals that cause damage to skin cells and helps to save face from acne. It is recommended not only to drink green tea, and freeze it, then to wipe the face with ice cubes.

Third, it's nuts and cereals (mainly wheat - in the form of germinated grains). They are rich in selenium, which plays an important role in maintaining health and beauty skin. Selenium helps to repair damaged skin cells and prevents acne. Contained in the nuts and grains omega-3 makes the skin smooth and even. These products not only eliminate acne, but also have a rejuvenating effect on the entire body.

Fourth, it is fish and meat - sources of protein. Consumption of protein-rich food - excellent prevention of acne. The protein must be present in the diet. It not only improves the skin. Protein strengthens the immune system and helps to not gain weight.

And do not forget about clean water! To the skin to stay young and smooth, it is necessary to use a sufficient amount of liquid. Only should abandon carbonated beverages. In addition to tea, coffee and soups should be consumed about eight glasses of water a day. Drinking water renews skin cells and cleanses the body.

Tags: skin, face, acne product, health, nutrition