Become a beauty in 30 minutes!

Become a beauty in 30 minutes!
 Freshen possible and for half an hour - Express mask literate makeup, natural energy drinks and a positive attitude will help refresh your face and get a charge of vivacity. Universal conversion can be done at home or work.  

For half an hour you can do a lot - take a shower or brush face antibacterial wipes to clean up makeup, fix her hair, manicure correct. Start with a soul - if you're at home, the jet of water will help to cheer up and refresh your body. If the organism is resistant to temperature change, then let water treatment will be contrasted. If you are used to warm water, then take a shower usual temperature - stress your body is now useless.

If not possible to completely freshen up, then hold your hands under cold water, and face clean towels and sprinkle with thermal water.

Even skillfully superimposed tone and use corrective pencil can not completely rid you of any signs of fatigue and sleepless night under the eyes. Before proceeding to the application of cosmetics, try to refresh the face and lightly smooth the area below the lower eyelids. Apply for ever tampons soaked in tea leaves (chamomile broth, dry parsley, grated potato, cucumber pulp) - this mask smoothes the skin, relieve swelling and slightly lighten circles. In parallel, you can put on face fast but effective compositions - milled oats (in the form of slurry), apple or cucumber pulp with honey and so on. In circumstances where there is no mask on time or circumstances do not allow you to take home recipes, you can refresh the face tonic, and under the eyes put brewed tea bags.

Impose makeup have fully only if you have the opportunity to remove the old one. If you simply need to update an existing make-up, then pay attention to the lips, skin and eyelids. Lips should summarize and make-up, foundation spread over the face and fix the transparent powder, eye shadow update, eyeliner emphasize. A drop of spirits - and you're on top.

The final touch - a cup of invigorating drink (green tea, coffee, a piece of dark chocolate). Your mood must comply with appearance - fragrant, well-groomed and radiant woman should not give out his tired eyes or hunched back. Smile, straighten shoulders and go out on a date - you irresistible!

Tags: order, beauty, half an hour