Stimulus for growth: long eyelashes

Stimulus for growth: long eyelashes
 Long and beautiful eyelashes - the dream of girls and women. But how do you look expressive and attractive, if nature has not bestowed luxurious lashes? Help effective and affordable means.

What caused the action of modern growth promoters eyelashes?

Cosmetic companies offer a wide range of products for rapid growth and strengthen the structure of the eyelashes. First of all, should be present in the composition of vitamins, antioxidants, peptides, essential oils and other substances.

It is very important to choose the right tool for growth, as with the quality and characteristics of the organism may have side effects such as redness of the eyes, mucous membrane irritation, inflammation of the skin around the eyes, on the eyelids education barley.

Part of the pharmacy means prostaglandin is an excellent growth stimulator. But it should be used with caution, trying to avoid eye contact. Although prostaglandins improves blood circulation and nutrition eye, this can lead to the appearance of the skin vascular network eyelids.

Before using drugs should carefully read the instructions and consult with an experienced physician.

Means stimulating the growth of eyelashes

Peach oil - an effective tool that allows you to accelerate the growth of eyelashes and eyelid skin enriching nutrients. Must be lubricated regularly eyelashes before bedtime. In the peach tree oil contains large amounts of vitamins A and E, pangamic acid, potassium, calcium and iron.

Lack of vitamins and trace elements gradually leads to thinning and loss of eyelashes.

Also, a simple and affordable means against loss of hairs and to stimulate growth is a decoction of chamomile, which further removes eye fatigue, prevents inflammation, promotes regeneration of the skin around the eyes. Use the decoction for washing your face or impose on the eye area soaked in the composition of cotton pads.

Stimulator is an excellent oil mask for which you want to take a small amount of vegetable oil, add a few drops of oil solution of vitamin E and at bedtime for 10 minutes to put on the tips of the lashes. After the procedure to remove detergent residue with warm water or broth chamomile. For easy application can be adapted brush from the carcass used.

Stimulates the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows mask of parsley: chop the roots and stems of plants, mix 1 tsp sour cream. The resulting mass is applied to the upper and lower eyelids for 15-20 minutes. This tool helps improve nutrition eyelashes, relieve fatigue, eliminate the "bags" under the eyes.

Tags: growth, eyebrows, eyelashes, stimulus, stimulant