Serum growth of eyelashes and eyebrows

Serum growth of eyelashes and eyebrows
 Relatively recently went on sale cures - serum, stimulating growth of eyebrows and eyelashes, which are in high demand, because the thick eyebrows and long eyelashes have always been considered by the details that adorn a woman. But these funds have not only advantages but also disadvantages that should be considered before you decide to use them.

What determines the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows

Facial - eyelashes and eyebrows all people are different. The thickness, length and thickness of hairs depends primarily on genetics and can be transmitted through both parents. In addition, the length of the hair is also affected tsvetotip - brunettes eyelashes are longer than those blondes, as well as the race: the representatives of the Mongoloid hair thicker than the Europeans. However, even among members of one race eyelashes and eyebrows may vary in thickness and length, depending on the region of residence.

The common feature is that, for example, the life expectancy of cilia all people is not more than 200 days, it has three phases: rapid growth, and then a stable condition, and at the end - the gradual extinction. Each eyelash lives his life, no matter at what stage are its neighbors, so the growth and loss of eyelashes goes unnoticed - part of the growing part - falls.

In fact, look like and how to grow eyelashes and eyebrows, still affects age. Metabolic rate decreases with age, so the hairs are updated more slowly, and reducing the amount of natural pigment melanin makes them lighter, so they seem to be more rare. However, it can happen in his youth, as a bad environment, prolonged exposure to the sun, wrong mode of life and nutrition the most disastrous effect not only on the skin, hair and nails, but also on how to look your eyebrows and eyelashes.

What are the serum for eyelashes and eyebrows

As well as the condition of the hair on the head, the health and appearance of eyelashes and eyebrows can be improved by reducing the special trains - serums that stimulate their natural growth and makes them thicker. Currently, manufacturers offer a non-hormonal and hormonal drugs that are designed specifically to enhance the appearance of eyebrows and eyelashes.

In hormonal sera includes synthesized artificially-hormone analogues of prostaglandins, which are produced in the human body: bimatoprost, latanoprost, travoprost, unoprostone. Like all hormones, they are very effective, but they have side effects and require strict compliance with all instructions and recommendations.

Serum, which include prostaglandins, absolutely contraindicated in pregnant women because these hormones, synthetic even provoke the beginning of labor.

But hormonal serum based natural essential oils, vitamins, keratin and other natural ingredients are safe for health have contraindications and does not cause side effects. As a rule, manufacturers recommend to apply them at night and wash off in the morning, using a conventional warm water. After 1-2 months you will see the result - increase in the length of eyelashes, eyebrows are thicker.

Serum growth of eyelashes and eyebrows

Dangerous effectiveness of hormonal sera

The main active component of the vast majority of popular serums, accelerating the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows, is bimatoprost, a synthetic hormone-like substances. Initially, he was a member of medications that lower the eye pressure, and when those who used such drugs was seen intensive growth of eyelashes, bimatoprost was used to treat hypotrichosis century - a disease in which the growth of eyelashes stopped. In 2008, the United States was allowed to use bimatoprost in cosmetics, accelerating the growth of facial hair.

At the same time to obtain such permission pharmaceutical companies have begun to synthesize new artificial hormones of prostaglandins, have the same effect on the growth of eyelashes, as bimatoprost. These substances are now also part of some sera. Any of them is based on the stimulation of hair follicles eyelashes or eyebrows hair, resulting in increased blood circulation and accelerates hair growth.

Very often hormonal serum provoke an allergic reaction that causes inflammation of the eye, eyelid edema and redness.

And it would be good, but it irritates the bulbs can cause not only growth but also inflammation, which may result in conjunctivitis and dermatitis. Side effects that may occur as a result of uncontrolled and long-term use of hormone serum is chaotic growth of hairs and eyelashes, increasing their length and location of beams, which negates the whole aesthetic effect of the use of such potent agents. Furthermore, as a result of their use in ocular pressure may fall below the norm, and appear on the eyelids vascular net, which can not be removed using a laser correction techniques to prevent damage to the eye.

Tags: growth, eyebrows, eyelashes, serum, contraindication