How to strip a person

How to strip a person
 Steam baths for the face - a fairly simple and effective way to preserve the beauty and youthful skin. The procedure eliminates stripping it of dead skin cells, opens and cleanses pores, removes pimples and black spots. In addition, it stimulates the blood circulation of the skin, preventing premature aging and cancer.
 For stripping skin, use a special cosmetic device. Fill it intended liquid on the instrument and wait until start parootdelenie.

If this capacity is not available, you can use a regular pan filled with water by a third. Put it on the fire, wait a boil and reduce it to a minimum.

To enhance the effect it is recommended to add in 1 tablespoon water collecting medicinal herbs or 10 drops of essential oil. Turn off the heat and two minutes later to begin steaming the face.

For normal skin is better to use parsley leaves, chamomile, lavender. For dry skin - linden flowers, sage and fennel. In the steam bath for oily skin cosmetologists are advised to add mint, chamomile, rosemary, calendula and lemon zest or orange.

Before you begin, thoroughly clean your face and remove hair in a ponytail. Lubricate the eyelids fat cream. If the skin is dry, the cream is better to put on the whole face. Cover your head with a towel, sit back on the vessel and close your eyes. A significant number of comedones is located on the nose. Therefore, when stripping face to facilitate their removal, better breathe through the nose.

While taking a steam bath and the number of treatments depends on skin type. For dry skin is enough for 5-7 minutes session course once a month, for a normal - 10-15 minutes twice a month, for a fat - 20-25 minutes once a week. More frequent stripping the skin causes redness and oily skin leads to a greasy shine.

After the procedure, lie down for half an hour and then rinse your face with cool water to the pores tightened. It is useful to use water with lemon juice. Once put on a skin cream that matches your skin type.

Steam baths have a number of contraindications. These include: dilated blood vessels on the face, cuts, purulent inflammation, asthma, hypertension, porous and prone to irritation of the skin.

Tags: person tub, a procedure steaming