Christmas wreath with his own hands

Christmas wreath with his own hands
 Decorating homes with Christmas wreaths - is not just a fad trend, but an ancient tradition. Decorating the room so people show their own joy at the birth of Christ. The wreath is hanging on the front door says friendly and hospitable host. Assortment of wreaths on sale surprises with its diversity, but it is possible to show imagination and make your own symbol of Christmas.
 To make a Christmas wreath with his own hands, you need to stock up in advance the necessary materials. You will need a strong foundation for a wide wire, its length depends on what values ​​need wreath. For attaching ornaments require thread. The base of the wreath must comply with Christmas motifs, so prepare fir or pine branches. But keep in mind that natural trees quickly crumble. Purchase a liquid nails and clippers.

Selection of jewelry for a wreath completely depends on your taste. However, pay attention to the dried fruit, branches and berries, pine cones and small Christmas toys. If you plan to put a wreath on the table, try to decorate it with four candles.

Following the acquisition of materials start to work. Of thick wire make a solid foundation. If you think that went too thin frame, make a few skeins. Slice the cooked branches 20-25 cm long, to make it easier to weave in a wreath. Chopped branches first frame wrap clockwise one layer, and then in the opposite second direction. Fasten the thread or thin wire. These layers can be any number. Their number depends on how much you need a lush wreath. Keep in mind that the base and the mounting must be unnoticeable.

By the way, the threads may be not only a green color. They come in gold or with different patches. Most importantly, a wreath of colors combined with selected decorations. Decorating usually begins with a weaving tape. Wrap it around the base, but do not cover all the branches. You can make a few folds, securing them with liquid nails, and going all the big bow tie wreath. Tape can serve as an alternative to electric garland.

Now you need to finish the design chosen ornaments. They must be placed around the diameter of the wreath and secure with a thin wire or liquid nails. If you make a wreath for the table and want to decorate it with candles, in the right places twist 2 heated wire and make a base like a candlestick.

When creating your own wreath necessarily pofantaziruyte. Then your skills not only to decorate the house, but also create an atmosphere of comfort and celebration, so necessary for you and your loved ones.

Tags: hand, decoration, garland, Christmas