To solve the problem of abortion worldwide, at least 75% of women of childbearing age (the ability to pregnancy and childbirth) should apply modern contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
In order to prevent the development of pregnancy in ancient times used different techniques and methods of contraception: in Africa used different substances derived from plants; in ancient Africa - "interrupted mating"; American women washed vagina decoction of the bark of lemon and mahogany; Australia used for contraception lumps of fucus extract and pond, and others. Production of hormonal contraception was a new stage in the prevention of unwanted pregnancies. Today, hormone pills are among the most effective contraceptives. It is important to the proper application of hormonal contraception and then their efficiency approaching 99%.
Current hormonal contraceptive preparations are used as an agent for preventing pregnancy in addition they are very effective in the treatment of various gynecological diseases, primarily for the treatment of infertility. Unfortunately, the presence of side effects in older contraceptives contributed to a sense of fear of hormones and many women have still not take birth control pills because of the fear of excess weight gain.
Today, take oral contraceptives more than 150 million women of reproductive age.
With the establishment of modern hormonal contraceptives obstetricians received contraceptives, providing a 100% prevention of unwanted pregnancies.
With the advent of the pharmaceutical market of the main manufacturers of contraceptives, the situation has changed radically. According to top experts in the field of health, modern contraception should become a real alternative to abortion. Any contraceptive drug can only be assigned to a gynecologist with all the indications and contraindications, is chosen for each woman individually. If you decide to take contraceptives, you should consult with your doctor.