From the very first day of pregnancy, a woman should form inside the right attitude to leave. Anesthesia delivery begins with self-confidence, and that all will be well. Serenity - this is the main assistant laboring woman. Pain in childbirth is very individual and depends on many factors: the position of the fetus, its size, strength of uterine contractions, on the state of women in labor. If you are pre-configured to unbearable pain, you are sure it will wait. A woman must be conscious of what stage consists of birth, when there is pain, how to breathe and be in the mood for a favorable outcome. Then labor will be perceived not as a painful process, and as a prelude to the miracle, which resulted in a meeting with the most expensive being in the world.
To date, there are several medical practicemethods of pain relief in labor. Modern methods of anesthesia and analgesia drug safe enough for the mother and child and help make the process of birth of the baby more comfortable.Methods of pain relief in labor must appoint a physician in each case individually, depending on your sensitivity to pain the woman and her general condition.
Pain during labor is of two varieties. The first felt during labor and associated with stretching of the cervix. The pain is dull in nature, can be given in the lower back and sacrum. The second occurs just before the birth of the child and is the result of stretching of tissues of the birth canal while promoting the fruit. The pain is localized to the vagina and perineum. Let's look at the basicmethods of pain relief in laborOn their advantages and disadvantages.
1.Analgesia - Carried out by intravenous or intramuscular administration of painkillers, relieves spasms, pain and calms the nervous system. To date, in order to use these promedol that the maximum safe for the fetus. However, it should be borne in mind that the analgesic effect is limited to several hours, they can not be administered again.
Epidural anesthesia - Anesthetic drug is injected experienced anesthesiologist through a thin needle into the space next to the spinal cord. Suchmethod of pain relief in labor allows for the preservation of consciousness completely block the pain across the lower half of the body. Outs of anesthesia is that woman with painful sensations loses the ability to control your body and can not push.
Electroneurostimulation - Whereinmethod of pain relief in labor attached to the female waist electrodes through which electrical stimulation of nerve endings occurs. This technique gives partial relief and is used in the first stage of labor. Plus method - no side effects.
General anesthesia - Used only in emergency cases under the supervision of an anesthesiologist, assumes full anesthesia and sleep in mothers. Can be used for protracted labor, for muscle relaxation and recreation patient.
Local anesthesia - Not effective for complete anesthesia is applied locally, with suturing of the perineum, or in other cases requiring local numbness tissues.
Inhalation anesthesia - Pain relief that occurs through inhalation of a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen. Has not only analgesic, but also antispasmodic action. Pros - no side effects, the patient quickly departs from anesthesia. Cons - the pain is completely removes.
Many experts oppose allmethods of pain relief in laborSince they can cause adverse reactions and disrupt the natural course of labor. Therefore, if your pregnancy does not deviate from the norm and fetal development takes place without complications, do not rush to resort to analgesics and anesthesia. Nature took care of women: while pushing hard body begins to produce endorphins - the hormones of happiness. They tone up and have a natural analgesic effect. Only a woman should have the right mental attitude and understand that the pain during labor is Periodic character and must pass.
Proper breathing during labor can also be considered asmethod of pain relief in labor. The right type of breathing activates the generic activities, saturates the blood with oxygen, helping to breathe baby.
• At the very beginning of the fight takes a deep breath in through your nose, then exhale completely through your mouth all the air.
• In the first stage of labor, when you can not push, breathe as one full inhale-exhale, a few short breaths, ending a long exhalation through a complete folded into a tube lips.
Childbirth is not a test, it is possible to bring into the world a little man, who by his birth outshine all the pain and discomfort experienced by you.
Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady