The causes of toxemia, ambiguous. This psycho-emotional state of women, diseases of the digestive organs, including chronic, hereditary factors.
Toxicosis distinguish mild, moderate and severe. With light and medium toxicosis there are several safe ways to alleviate the condition, but the doctor's consultation excess will not necessarily inform about toxicosis.
The most important thing is properly configured, the view that everything women experience nausea and vomiting wrong. Customizable, morning sickness will pass your side, then so be it.
Try to eliminate the possible cause and the factors that cause you discomfort. Avoid annoying sounds, food odors. Absolutely do it, of course, will not work, but part of the problem will be solved. If suddenly you feel irritating odor, breathing mouth, calm down, try to switch attention.
It is recommended to eat a fractional, but more often. Usually nausea is when the stomach is empty. You should not allow this condition. You may need to go to five meals a day. Naturally, that portion of the volume to be reduced. Snack on fruits.
Need to walk, spend time outdoors. If close to your house there is a park, it should become the most favorite holiday destination.
Many household duties you perform now will be difficult. Feel free to delegate their relatives. Throw garbage - it's not difficult, but in the morning it can charge you attack toxicity until the evening, explain this to families, they will understand you.
Most importantly reduce your stress level. Try to close your eyes to the difficulties at work, thinking about the future baby, about your happy family. Do not worry about nothing. But sometimes it's better to cry, cry, thereby prevent stress take hold of you. Do not hesitate to their emotions. Do not pay attention to gossip, if any, think only of themselves, kids and your family.