Vitamins in pregnancy: what is better?

Vitamins in pregnancy: what is better?
 Rare pregnant woman has not experienced at all while carrying the baby with the recommendation to take vitamins. Obstetricians tend to drink vitamins courses offer expectant mothers from the very first months of pregnancy.
 Vitamins during pregnancy explain the fact that in the present conditions the woman is not enough of certain substances in the period of gestation of the baby. That little greenery, and with her future mother loses vitamins B and E, the power unbalanced, and this once strong lack of vitamins of other groups. Therefore, doctors try to compensate for the lack of nutrients through the appointment of vitamin complexes designed for pregnant women.

Prenatal vitamins - what to choose

Vitamins are essential not only to maintain the health of the expectant mother during pregnancy, but also to influence the formation of the baby. For example, folic acid, which is usually contained in the green, is needed for forming the neural tube child and is responsible for the mental development. Therefore, it is usually administered at once, as soon as pregnancy is confirmed. For the mother the benefits of this vitamin, which belongs to the group B is that it reduces pain sensitivity (which is very important during childbirth), and after the birth of the baby promotes a more active milk production.

Vitamins - it is such a thing as very easy to overdo it and hurt. Therefore, if the expectant mother owns a separate folic acid and other vitamins complex, it is necessary that the complex it was not.

Other B vitamins also exert a positive effect on the formation of the fetal nervous system. In addition, they help women cope with morning sickness, cramps in the muscles and relieve expectant mother from seizures. Particularly, they are effective after 8 weeks of pregnancy.

Vitamin A and magnesium are generally effective, starting from 11 weeks of pregnancy. After all, they are responsible for bone formation baby (and during this period they begin to form). In addition, magnesium - a good assistant for the muscles: not only children, but also the parent.

Keep in mind that the height, weight and head size unborn child will vary depending on how much magnesium from 11 weeks, uses the expectant mother. However, you can not appoint a dosage - only on doctor's instructions.

This vitamin is D, and the complex of Omega-3 are assigned in the second trimester and are responsible for the deliverance of women from nausea, as well as contribute to the improvement of her health. In addition, vitamin D is already in utero helps hold the prevention of rickets in the fetus.

The complex vitamins for pregnant women is also included, and calcium. It becomes necessary to 17 weeks of pregnancy, when the baby has grown significantly, actively moving. All this contributes to the strengthening and growth of his bones. Calcium helps to strengthen them further.

For better hematopoiesis with 22 weeks of pregnancy should take extra iron. In this case it is easier to replace synthetic vitamins natural - for example, eat apples in sufficient quantity or to cook dishes from the liver. You can control the level of iron using a common blood test. And if the apples and the liver can not cope, then you can add vitamins.

What to consider when choosing vitamins for pregnant

You can use vitamins as independent agents, and entire systems. Typically, these are marked "Maternity". They are made taking into account the needs of the body of a pregnant woman and the fetus needs. Therefore, conventional vitamin complexes are not suitable.

All of them are sold in pharmacies. It should be remembered that the best preparation is usually prescribed watching gynecologist. He gives the recipe to pregnant could get free vitamins.

Say what vitamins better not be. Because the body of pregnant women during gestation baby is quite unpredictable and often happens that a woman can not go to those systems that have successfully taken 10 other ladies in the state. Therefore, when taking vitamins need to focus on their own feelings. If these or other vitamins do not go, you need to replace them with others. The main thing is to make sure that did not arise overdose, which can occur if both drink several products containing active substances.

Tags: pregnancy, pregnant, the use of vitamin, direct