Restore the figure after giving birth: effective ways

Restore the figure after giving birth: effective ways
 Immediately after birth, the figure of a woman undergoes changes are not the best. Particularly depressing extra pounds gained during pregnancy, which remain on the thighs, abdomen and buttocks. As quickly as possible to cope with such problems, it is recommended to use some effective ways. The result - the restoration of the figure - will not take long.  

Where to start recovery after childbirth

Before you start to lose weight after giving birth, you need to set a goal: to restore the shape and save the result. Deciding to regain the attractive physical form, weigh and measure the volume of the chest, waist, hips. Then set on how many inches and pounds you want to lose weight and set yourself the exact dates for which you need to cope.

The normal weight loss and a half - three kilograms per month, and therefore you should not put yourself unrealistic goals.

Sign a diary and write down all the information there. In his diary, you can every day to celebrate your weight and change every week - Change the volume of the body. Now, when your goal is clear, it's time to get down to action! Using a set of effective methods, you will read on, you will be able to quickly restore the figure even after the second birth.

Regaining your figure after childbirth: the first method

Remember that the set of exercises should be changed at least once in 2-3 weeks: if you constantly give your body the same load, it gets used to it. As a result, the effectiveness of training can be significantly reduced.

To lose weight after giving birth, you should review your diet. However, do not stop your choice on a strict diet, you should choose the proper balanced diet. Every day at your desk should be healthy food, including a large number of trace elements and vitamins:
- Vegetables;
- Fruits;
- Green;
- Nuts and grains;
- Dairy products;
- Clean drinking water or mineral water without gas, etc.

If in addition you are breast-feeding a baby - that's fine, because you can more quickly get in shape after childbirth. The mother's body for the production of breast milk daily spends about 500-600 calories. Even in this case, the basics of good nutrition and you will go, and your child only benefit! Especially in the first 3 months of life, when he formed the intestines, and so you will need to comply with certain diet.

Regaining your figure after childbirth: the second method

Immediately after birth, it is desirable to use postpartum bandage for correction. Enough to wear every day for 2 weeks - 1 month to stomach became noticeably smaller and then disappeared altogether. If the constant application of postpartum bandage is causing you discomfort, you can put it on before going to bed. You can also do the opposite: day wear, and at night - shoot.

To enhance the effect of wearing a bandage, 1 time a day do self-massage of problem areas. You can use anti-cellulite cream, as well as roller massager. It is best to perform this procedure following the adoption of a contrast shower or bath.

Regaining your figure after childbirth: a third way

 Doctors do not recommend for young mothers to engage in intense exercise earlier than 2 months after birth. However, this period should be physically active. It is not necessary to visit a fitness club or break away from the child, because some classes with him to burn a lot of calories allow:
- Action games - raising a baby in her arms, rocking, etc .;
- Cleaning toys - they can collect them one by one, making deep slopes or squatting;
- Long (about 2 hours) walks with the stroller, during which the need to walk rather than sit on the bench with the magazine.

Add to this the daily laundry, cleaning, standing at the stove - and it makes an excellent training complex.

Regaining your figure after childbirth: a way to fourth

A few months later, when your body is more or less restored after delivery, you can slowly begin to exercise. Start small: perform simple light exercise as a minimum morning workout. Mahi hands, feet in the supine position, bending, twisting, lifting the chassis in the supine position - at least 1-2 times. Gradually the need to increase the load, but this should be done in a gentle pace.

Restore the figure after giving birth: effective ways

If you find it difficult to force myself to do the exercises, you can purchase a DVD or simply download online video tutorials with postpartum gymnastics. And then every day in their spare time together with a cheerful girl under the energetic music instructor.

Remember that the set of exercises should be changed at least once in 2-3 weeks: if you constantly give your body the same load, it gets used to it. As a result, the effectiveness of training can be significantly reduced.

To get closer to their goal - the perfect and beautiful figure - perform the following exercises:
- For the abdomen and waist - twisting hoop daily for 10-20 minutes;
- For the chest and arms - are made daily from 15 to 20 push-ups (can be two approaches);
- For the buttocks and thighs: 15-20 squats (3 sets).

Another great way to make the figure again toned and slender - swimming or water aerobics. Judging by the large number of women who attend these groups, it is really effective method.

Tags: born Ambassador, recovery, way, shape, gymnastics