Infections, dangerous during pregnancy

Infections, dangerous during pregnancy
 Any unpleasant phenomenon during pregnancy causes much more anxious feelings than in the normal state. And one of the most unpleasant effects for pregnant women are infections. And not just infection and only mentioning some of them. Some people prefer to avoid talking in general that affect a topic such as infections during pregnancy, others on the contrary give her too much time panicking with or without cause. But women's magazine offers JustLady not rush to extremes, and easy to explore the available information, and if necessary, do not scare yourself and everyone around you, and go to a specialist and get expert help.

Conditionallyinfections, dangerous during pregnancyCan be divided into two types: those that are dangerous to "buy" before pregnancy, as well as those that represent a direct threat arising directly during pregnancy.

Chicken Pox

When a child we have heard that it is better to recover certain diseases before the period of growing up, you do not quite understand what was going on. Only when faced with planning pregnancy, many of us understand why this statement is not without logic. Some infectious diseases occurring in childhood is almost harmless for pregnant women represent a considerable danger. A transferred childhood disease is the production of antibodies, and thus, the inability to get sick more adult and during pregnancy.

Perhaps the least potentially dangerous is chickenpox. Again: not completely safe, and the least dangerous. First, the disease rarely goes unnoticed, and an adult is almost always know whether he had been ill with chicken pox as a child. Secondly, chickenpox in 90% of cases - it is an infantile disease. And thirdly, it is characterized by a relatively low risk of affecting the fetus. Chickenpox falls into the category "infections, dangerous during pregnancy"If it occurred before 20 weeks of gestation, immediately before birth or postpartum.

But this does not mean that the windmill on the "safe" in pregnancy - not an occasion to reflect and seek emergency medical attention. The risk exists, and only an expert can determine how to minimize it.


Rubella is also commonly occurs with the characteristics of less severe in children and more severe in adults. Girls who have had rubella during childhood, in fact, are protected from thisinfection during pregnancyBecause once the disease is formed long lasting immunity.

If immunity to rubella not, a pregnant woman should in all possible ways to protect yourself from this infection, because it belongs to the categorydangerous infections during pregnancy. There is a pattern: the earlier period, in which the expectant mother contracted rubella, the greater the probability of hitting the fetus, until his death.

Known methods of protection against rubella - is vaccination, which can only be done before pregnancy, as well as avoiding contact with the ill person (given the existence of the incubation period and the fact that the disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, women without a history of rubella vaccination and not amenable to You must be extremely careful).


Special attention to such medical exhibitinfection during pregnancyAs toxoplasmosis. It is dangerous for two reasons. Firstly, a real threat to the fetus, and secondly, may have no outward signs that would say that the woman fell ill with toxoplasmosis.

At the planning stage of pregnancy, it is desirable to be tested for toxoplasmosis. If the test results will be revealed antibodies, it means that a woman has been infected with toxoplasmosis, and at the stage of pregnancy this infection it is not terrible. If there are no antibodies to toxoplasmosis, you need to take all necessary measures to protect themselves and their unborn child from the emergence of thisinfection during pregnancy.

Since the main carriers of toxoplasmosis are representatives of the cat family, pregnant women are not amenable to toxoplasmosis, it is desirable to limit their contact with cats. In addition, the meat is consumed pregnant women should be well cooked or roasted, and all vegetables, fruits and herbs - quality washed.


There are infections that are dangerous in the case of infection during pregnancy as well as before. One of these infections is cytomegalovirus infection. On it there is a woman can not even guess, but its exacerbation or acquired during pregnancy can be dangerous for the fetus.

It is believed that more dangerous is the primary infection during pregnancy, and less dangerous - aggravation of pre-existing infection. To avoid infection during pregnancy is important to remember that tsitamegalovirus transmitted through blood, saliva, semen. And if at the planning stage of pregnancy was identified tsitamegalovirus important is to strengthen the immune system to prevent exacerbation of infection.


We are talking about genital herpes, which when infected in the first half of pregnancy can lead to miscarriage and developing pregnancy, and in the second half - to the appearance of congenital abnormalities in the fetus.

In the case of ainfection during pregnancy infection of the fetus can occur in two ways - through the placenta or during birth by passing the birth canal. Under certain circumstances even shown elective caesarean section to avoid the passage of the baby through the birth canal.

Other infections, dangerous during pregnancy

When planning a pregnancy, it is desirable to "give up" even with such banal diagnoses as thrush (vaginal candidiasis), not to mention the chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, bacterial vaginosis and other equally nice diagnoses.

The planning stage of pregnancy is very important, but to be frank: not all couples are his, and the main part of the analysis for the first time shall have during pregnancy. If the results of these analyzes foundinfections, dangerous during pregnancy, JustLady advise in any case not to self-medicate. Self-medication and non-pregnant - a dangerous thing, and during pregnancy and at all can lead to disastrous consequences. Doctor, dealing with pregnancy, should prescribe adequate treatment, which minimize the risks.

Inna Dmitrieva

Tags: pregnancy forum, chickenpox, a disease factor, infection, danger