Immunoglobulin and breastfeeding

Immunoglobulin and breastfeeding
 Nature has given us a unique tool that gives us the opportunity not only to feed their child, but also to protect it. This - the mother's milk. Scientists have long shown that there is no substitute for breastfeeding. Doctors say that the growth in recent years the number of allergic reactions and immune diseases, not least due to the fact that an increasing number of mothers abandon breastfeeding natural or interrupt it too early, preferring artificial mixtures.  

Despite the fact that the nutritional composition of modern artificial mixtures as close as possible to that of mother's milk, but they do not have the beneficial effect on a child's development, which has the final.
Nature itself has laid a strong bond with the child's mother. In breast milk contains not only nutrients and minerals, but also leukocytes are responsible for the destruction of harmful bacteria.

Milk also contains immunoglobulins. Immunoglobulins - proteins that destroy infections by destroying cells and pathogenic microorganisms.
It is particularly important breastfeeding for the first six months of life, since at this age the immune system is too weak, and it requires additional protection. It is because of mother's milk it receives antibodies that help him to fight infections.

Immunoglobulin A protects the mucous membrane of the child, and an infant mucosa - the main route of infection in the body of the baby. Immunoglobulin This continues to be active even in the gastro-intestinal tract of children. He covers the walls of the stomach and fights infections. At the beginning of life of the stomach of the child is not yet fully develops its function and can pass the blood proteins which can cause allergic reactions. And that immunoglobulin A creates a protective film, preventing foreign substances penetrate into the blood.

Despite the fact that over time, the concentration of immunoglobulin A in milk is reduced, but the child still gets the necessary amount, as begins to absorb large portions.

Maternal immunoglobulins which the mother passes to her baby with milk, it is struggling with its bacteria. After all, whenever mom kisses, bathes, shroud and touches her baby, she gets (swallowing or breathing) pathogenic bacteria which are on his skin. Maternal body produces antibodies against these bacteria, they fall in milk, and transferred him to the child. Thus there is in the mother's body to produce antibodies that are specific for bacteria of her child.

Therefore, doctors so insist on breastfeeding in the first six months of life. After all, no mixture do not have the protective function, which is the very nature inherent in the mother's milk.

Tags: baby, breast feeding, immunoglobulin