How to take folic acid

How to take folic acid
 Folic acid is a water-soluble form of vitamin B9, which is needed not only for the normal functioning of the body, including for metabolism, but also for the proper development of the fetus in pregnant women.
 Lack of this vitamin in the female body slows down the metabolism and leads to obesity. And for pregnant women lack of folic acid can result in severe fetal abnormalities - hydrocephalus, neural tube defects, the formation of "cleft lip".

In case of lack of vitamin B12 in the body need to take folic acid, even if she is not pregnant. This will keep her slender figure to avoid many diseases. In addition, an overabundance of acid is not terrible. Body simply displays it in an unaltered state.

The only consequences that can result in excess of this vitamin is that it prevents the diagnosis of pernicious anemia, ie, lack of vitamin B12. But this is easily solved by re-testing.

It is believed that prior to pregnancy, as well as while it is necessary to take a dose of folic acid is not less than 0, 8 mg. But this is the minimum dose. Usually the shortfall of this vitamin and prevention of birth defects unborn child is assigned dose is much higher - 3-4 mg per day.

Usually pregnant take special multivitamin, which contains both vitamin B9. Need to look at what dose this useful acid contained in the "pregnant" vitamin and supplement intake of additional tablets.

Most often, this vitamin tablets sold, which dosage is 1 mg (1000 mg). It is clear that the "pinch off" a piece of the tablet to take the lowest dose (0, 8 mg) has no meaning. In any case it is necessary to take at least one tablet. Folic acid should drink while eating.

Of course, this all-purpose vitamin preparations, whether or not a woman is pregnant, should be carried out by your doctor. It will set you the content of folic acid in the body, the content of other vitamins and can assign the exact dosage of the drug.

Tags: acid intake, vitamin